Chapter 50

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(Tyler P.O.V.)

Just a couple more weeks on tour, about a little longer than three. Two weeks until we go on T.V. for Silent Library. Five weeks until we go back on tour.

Josh has been stressing out more and more, I can feel it. He's probably scared about Abby-Lynn not being on tour. The last time he was away from the person he was dating... it didn't work out. But I've never seen him this infatuated with someone before, so it's heartwarming.

I keep jumping up and down, shaking my hands and kicking out my legs. You would think that after years of doing this the fear would go away, but nope. Honestly, it does make it feel better when you get at that point during the concert where it all washes away.

I wish Jenna was here. She and Abby-Lynn are out having girl time before the concert. I'm really happy Jenna agreed on coming on tour with me, I wouldn't be able to do this without my wifey.

"Tyler." Josh is breathless and sweaty, but has the biggest grin on his face. I tilt my head and raise my eyebrows at him, waiting. He puts his hands on his knees and bends over, catching his breath. "I had an idea, but I don't know what to think about it."

Tossing a water bottle over to him, he sits down on the ground. I plop down next to him, stretching out my legs. He still has that goofy dazed smile on his face. "What is it, dude?"

"I-ahhhh." His face goes super red and he hides behind his hands. The only other time I have seen him like this was when he told me he wanted to ask Abby-Lynn out. "I want to do something for Abby, but I don't know if it's smart thing, or if she will like it."

Raising my eyebrow at him, I stop stretching. He's tapping his fingers on his knees, head down. I clear my throat and he looks up at me with a sheepish smile.

"What is that you want to do, Jish?" He looks around before sliding closer to me. He is giggling slightly like a little school girl, and it's so hard to keep a straight face. Josh being in love honestly has made him seem happier with life.

"I know her and I haven't been together long. But I want to get her a promise ring. So when we aren't together she will still think of me." His face is brighter than his hair has ever been. I can't change my shocked expression. A promise ring? He's serious?

"MY LITTLE CHILD IS GROWING UP!" I scream, tackling him. He starts laughing his head off, face starting to turn into a normal color. After playfully hitting him a couple of times, we both stand up. "But you're really super duper serious about this?"

He nods, playing with his fingers. "I love her, man. More than anything." I nod and smile proudly at him, crossing my arms.

"Tomorrow then. We will get away from the girls and start looking. I got you man." Patting his back, I walk into my dressing room. Jumping around, I can't contain my excitement.

Josh has been through more than anyone I know, and always is the happiest. He deserves this. He deserves the love he has right now. He deserves Abby-Lynn.


Later that night, after the concert, all of us have washed up and are now lounging around in our pajamas. Abby is spinning around in the wheelie chair, Josh is laying on the floor with his feet in the air, and my beautiful human is sitting on the floor in between my legs. For the past ten minutes we have just been talking about random things.

"Lynn, when are you going to go on stage with the boys again. The fans always ask me this. Why? I DONT KNOW. But they want to hear you sing again." Jenna speaks, looking up from her phone at Abby.

Even though she raised her voice slightly, the smile never left it. She won't ever admit it to anyone except for me, but the first time she heard Abby sing was when she sang Josh to sleep. And Jenna came back into the room crying.

Not only did she say that she has an angelic voice, but she said even then, Abby held so much love and emotion in her voice. Jenna and I have always been protective of Josh, but from that night on, we knew we didn't have to be anymore.

"Whenever they invite me back on, I'll go back on." Abby says, still spinning. Josh stands up and stops the chair, causing Abby to squeal and wobble, head rolling as she grins.

"We don't have to invite you. If you want to sing you tell us you're going on stage." Josh laughs, kissing her nose. I watch as only her ears get red, and Jenna squeezes my leg as we both watch them. "Understood, babe?"

Abby nods, and Josh kisses her forehead before spinning her gently, causing Abby to laugh and clap. Once she is spinning herself again, Josh looks over at Jenna and I. We can feel the love radiating off of him and I can tell it's taking everything in Jenna to not scream from excitement.

"Let's play a game!" I say, jumping up. Abby flies off her chair, landing on her feet.

"We are not playing slaps." I pout and cross my arms, turning away from her.

"I didn't want to play that game with you anyway, cheater." Everyone laughs and Jenna slightly pushes me, causing me to stick my tongue down at her.

"How about we play tag outside? We can go see if any of the crew is awake and wants to play?" Josh offers, shrugging his shoulders. I look down at Jenna, wondering if she would play and she nods, standing up.

"YEAH LETS GO GET PEOPLE." I scream, running out of the door before remembering I have to be quiet because we aren't the only ones who are in this hotel. Sheepishly, I look back at Jenna who is staring at me. She smiles, shakes her head and grabs my hand, skipping down the hallway with me. I love my wife person.

~~~authors note~~~
Hey guys! Thanks for reading so far! What do you think? Anything you're dying to happen? Any ideas for the Silent Library chapter? Tell me what you guys are thinking! Thank you, have a great day xoxo ~

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