Chapter 32

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"Jesus Christ, Abby."

I feel a slapping sensation on my cheek as I'm jolted awake. Jenna is sitting beside me, now burying her head on my shoulder. She gives a soft sob as she wraps her arms around me. Looking around for Josh, I see him sitting on the floor with his head in his hands.

"Don't you ever do that to us again. Understand?" She sobs out, clinging tighter to me. When Josh heard her words, he jumps up, and dashes over to me. He goes on my other side, wrapping his arms around my waist and laying his head on my stomach.

My throat hurts too much to say anything so I just place my hand on his head and my other hand on Jenna's shoulder. I don't know why it's hurting so badly to breathe. Suddenly, tears start slipping out of my eyes and my sob breaks the silence. Jenna just squeezed me tighter, while Josh sits up to wipe away my tears, trying to calm me down.

The door opens, and Tyler quickly runs over. He looks at me, tiny bags under his eyes. He closes his eyes, and his face scrunches with relief. He puts his hand on my head, bending down to put his forehead on mine.

"Please don't ever scare us like that again." Is all he whispers, before pulling away, taking Jenna in his arms. They hold each other for a bit, clinging on for dear life. Josh scoops me up bridal style and holds me in his lap. I take a deep breath and hold on tight to Josh's arm. Time to fight through the pain to get some answers.

"What happened." My voice sounds like absolute shit. It feels like I've swallowed sand. Josh pulls me tighter, rocking us back and forth. A few tears escape his eyes as he repeatedly kisses my head.

"Baby. Oh, Abby. You stopped breathing in your sleep. For like two minutes. I tried so hard to wake you up. After that I had to call Tyler and Jenna. I was so scared. You wouldn't wake up. We've been trying to wake you up for three hours. I thought you would never wake up." His voice cracks at the end, and I hear sniffling coming from across the room.

I stopped breathing? Is this sickness getting worse? What if next time, I actually can't wake up? What if I never get to see these people ever again?

I burst out crying, unable to take it anymore. Josh just holds me tighter. Jenna and Tyler come join us, all of us just holding each other. Slightly rocking back and forth, all of us connected some way.

As I look at all of them, I see how tired everyone looks, and guilt hits me. Jenna's hair is up in a bun and she has no makeup on. She is dressed in baggy sweatpants and one of Tyler's hoodies. Tyler has purple bags under his eyes, his skin paler than ever. His clothing is so mismatched.

And Josh, my handsome Josh looks so distraught. His hair is disheveled, signaling that he has ran his hand through his hair one too many times. His lips are all chapped and slightly bloody, proving that he has been chewing on them; a nervous habit he has. But he still looks is perfect.

I lay my head on his chest, and grab Tyler and Jenna's hand. They look into my eyes, relief the only thing I can see.

"Thank you, Guys." It still hurts to talk, but I know I have to. "I'm sorry for worrying you." All together, they shake their heads. Jenna looks as if she is about to cry again, and I've never seen her this emotional, so it kills me.

"You are a part of our family, Abby-Lynn." Tyler's voice cracks slightly as he speaks. "We take care of each other." Jenna nods, and I feel Josh nodding from above me.

"I think we need to call that doctor soon, Abs." Josh whispers, as if he were afraid his voice would fail him. I look at all of their faces, and all I'm met with is pleading. Sighing and looking up at the ceiling, I nod.

"Ok." My voice breaks the silence. Once again, back to the doctors. It seems as if I will never be able to escape.

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