Chapter 31

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"HAPPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOUUUUUUU" Tyler, Jenna, and Josh sing, as loud as possible. You can see people at the other table recording, or even joining in. At the end, everyone in the restaurant claps, Josh clapping the loudest with a silly grin on his face.

How did I get so lucky, so blessed to be surrounded by this special group of people? Not only do I have one of the hottest guys alive to call my boyfriend, I have the ability to call the sassy sweetheart couple my friends.

Leaning in, I blow out my candles that Jenna brought along and stuck into a cupcake. I wish that things won't change for the worse. I want to live in these moments forever. Josh leans in, kissing my forehead tenderly.

"Thank you guys, honestly. This has been one of the best birthdays ever." I look each one of them in their eyes, and they all stare back with a twinkle in theirs.  Josh intertwines his fingers with mine, his thumb running over the tops of my knuckles.

"Anything for Josh's Little Girlfriend." Jenna sneers mockingly. When she found out Josh and I were officially dating, she was upset that I didn't tell her as soon as it happened. But now it's gotten to just a snide remark every couple of minutes. I blow a kiss at her, and she smirks.

I hear squealing at the next table, and we all then our heads in that direction. A young girl is slapping her mothers arms, pointing at us. She couldn't be older than six and she was wearing a Twenty One Pilots shirt. Her mother looks over at us and smiles, glancing back down at her child while shaking her head.

"She said no, they're eating sweetheart." Jenna tells us, reading her lips. We all look at her, confused looks on our faces. "What? When you are around these two enough, you get used to reading lips." We all laugh, and I stand up, grabbing Josh's hand and pulling him over to the table.

"Hello!" Josh says, kneeling down to her height. She uses her hands to cover her face, squealing louder than before. He opens his arms, and she jumps into them, her little arms clamped around his neck.

"You're Jish! And you're Abby!" She exclaims, jumping down from Josh and hugging my leg. I smile at her before lifting her up in my arms, which to be honest, is not the easiest of things to do when wearing a tight dress and heels.

She makes her way through hugging all of us, the biggest grin on her face. Her mother apologizes to each of us, thanking us for coming over. Josh just shakes his head at her, and grabs my purse. He extracts a pen from it, and grabs a nearby napkin. After he is done, he slides it over to me.

'Here's to our cutest little fan.' It says, with his signature. I sign it in the corner, and slip it over to Jenna and Tyler so they can do the same. Tyler adds more to it, and then hands it to her. She stares at it, grinning as tears roll down her face. Her mother takes it from her before she can get it wet, and places it in her pocket.

"We'll put it on your wall when we get home! Say thank you!" The little girl does what she is told, and we walk away afterwards, waving goodbye.

"Come in guys, let's go back to the hotel." Tyler says, holding Jenna's hand. She is leaning against him, looking a bit tired. Josh and I nod, following them to the car.


I'm sitting in bed, playing on my phone while Josh is in the bathroom brushing his teeth. After he turns off the light, he crawls on the bed, laying his head in my lap just like how he did the first night we shared a bed.

I put my phone down and run my hands through his hair, causing him to sigh. He closes his eyes, a small smile on his face.

"Did you have a good day today?" He says, cocking his eyebrow. I smooth it down with my hand, causing him to laugh.

"Of course I did. You guys made it very special for me." I kiss his forehead, going back to playing with his hair.

"I could stay like this forever." He whispers, reaching up to grab my hand. He sits up, looking into my eyes before placing a swift kiss on my lips. "Let's get the birthday girl to bed. We leave early in the morning." I nod, pulling up the covers.

Josh wiggles underneath with me, and wraps his arms around my waist while I lay my head on his chest. He is drawing little patterns in my skin with his finger, causing goosebumps to rise.

Neither of us say another word. We just lay there, holding each other. Together, we fall asleep to the sounds of our breathing.

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