Chapter 74

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"Can I ask you a question, Ab?" Tyler nervously asks, fiddling with his phone. He is placed on top of the counter in the main bathroom while I work on perfecting my eyeliner. I could tell he wanted to talk about something since he has been up here, but I didn't want to pry him. Putting down my makeup, I sit next to him.

"Sure thing, TyJo. Ask away." I smile softly at him, and he sighs deeply. Rubbing his hands over his face roughly, I notice just how anxious he is by the slight twitch of his head.

"Is there something wrong with Stressed Out? Like yeah, it's overplayed on the radio a lot and stuff, but is it as bad as some of the clique members say? Online they act like they completely despise it. Is it truly that bad?" His voice breaks as he speaks, eyebrow slightly shifting down over his eyes. Hearing him speak like this breaks my heart, because I know exactly what he is talking about. I grab his hand in mine, and squeeze gently.

"Of course not. That song really is a masterpiece. Multiple people love it, and because of how many stations play it, different people have been exposed to you guys!" He refuses to look my in the eyes as I speak, just stares down at our hands.

"Honestly... I wish I wrote a different song no one's ever heard." Tyler's voice sounds so defeated, thick with emotion. He pulls his knees to his chest and wraps his arms around them. Hopping down off the countertop, I wrap my arms around his shoulders.

"I'm sorry the clique has made you feel this way about the wonderful piece you have created. Even if they say they don't like it, it's still something YOU made, so they'll sing along for as long as they live." Tyler leans his head on top of mine, and sighs.

"I guess you're right... Thanks, Abs. It means a lot to me. Now finish getting ready for your date with Josh before he gets impatient." He slightly pushes me away so he can jump down. Before I can do anything, he wraps his arms tightly my waist, squeezing me tightly. "You're gonna love what my boy has in store for you."


"Keep your eyes closed. Please don't open them, ok?" Josh whispers into my ear, slowly leading me up several stairs. Occasionally, I stumble, but with him standing up against my back, I easily regain my balance. "Almost there." He sings softly, eagerness evident in his voice.

He leaves my side for a couple of seconds, and makes random loud noises, as if to distract me from hearing whatever he is doing. Afterwards, he rejoins me and pushes me forward.

"Open." He commands, and my eyelids flutter open. Before us is a pale blue living room filled with furnishings. Gazing along the walls, I see the blanket of Joshs writing on the wall, the one Tyler gave me weeks ago. "Welcome home, Princess."

I quickly turn to face him, eyes wide. He's leaning against the closed door, a shy grin on his face. With me still speechless, he walks me through the rooms. Our kitchen is beautiful, with black marble counters and an island in the middle with wood cabinets. There are two guest rooms, both with grey walls. In the hallways are photos of everyone we love, but most with Josh and I, candid photos.

Walking into the bedroom, I finally let the feeling of being overwhelmed take over. Our room is a light lavender color, with different designs on each wall. There is a walk in closet with both of our clothes hung up, all placed neatly.

"Josh, oh my god. This, why? This is all too perfect." I whisper finally, attacking him with a bear hug. He gently kisses the top of my head, combing my hair with his fingers.

"Do you like it Princess? I hope you do. Tyler and Jenna had people help me decorate it, Jenna mostly helped though. We've been working on this house secretly since you agreed to moving in with me." He slowly escorts me back into the hallways. "These photos? They are the photos Jenna has been collecting all during our relationship. She calls it her housewarming present to us." He speaks softly, gently caressing my shoulder. "Oh wait, there's one more room I want you to see, I think you'll love it."

Josh puts his hands over my eyes and nudges me through the house. After he instructs me to open the door, he removes his hands. Inside is literally a dog paradise. With deep red walls, there are multiple toys scattered throughout the room. In the middle of the farthest wall, beneath the window, is a dog bed that could fit twenty animals on it. Laying in the bed, is our one and only, Lil Dun. Squealing, I squat to the floor and he runs to me, his butt moving faster than the rest of his body.

"Our little boy had to have his own room, you know? Wouldn't want anything less for him." Josh coos, scratching the top of Lil Duns head. Grinning up at Josh, I grab his hand and yank him down to the floor with me, tackling him with hug and smothering him in kisses.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you! This place is beautiful. I love it so much." Josh laughs as I talk in between kisses. Lil Dun is licking both of our faces, almost as excited as me. I literally have a house with Josh Freaking Dun.


"So, two options, Babe. One, we can put on our pajamas and just watch the heck out of Netflix on our new flat screen tv," he winks at me while tossing a piece of popcorn in his mouth. "Or, we can invite all of our peeps over and show them our new crib." He jokes around, smirking at me. Lightly slapping his shoulder, I grin.

"Crib? Peeps? Are you okay you goofball?" He gasps in shock, and puts his hand to his chest as if he were offended. Soon enough, we are both laughing our asses off. Once it dies down, he walks over to me, and leans down so he is eye level with me.

"Do you want to invite our friends and family so they can see our house. The one where we live in together." Josh whispers, eyes never once leaving contact with mine. The way he says it sends shivers down my spine.

"Hell yeah. Invite everyone over. Housewarming party!"

~authors note~
102k?!? Holy crap guys! Thank you so freaking much. You all are literally the best.
If you guys want, you can follow me on Twitter, because that's where I get most of the pictures from for the chapters? - BarkGoesKitten . And if you ever wanna talk about this story, I'm totally up for that!
Thank you again guys. Hope you have a fantastic day, you deserve it! Take care of yourself xoxo ~

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