Chapter 39

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"Get up!" Jenna and Tyler screamed, jumping on the bed. Opening my eyes, I notice Josh isn't next to me. Rubbing the sleep away, I notice that he is leaning on the counter, sipping on coffee. He's grinning as Jenna and Tyler continue to bounce on the bed.

"I'm up! I'm up!" They flop down, laughing and smiling. Jenna landed in front of me, so I lay my head down on her stomach. She rubs my head for a couple of minutes before pushing me off. She's stands up and pulls Tyler up.

"Get ready little one. We are leaving shortly. Since we traveled here last night, we get to explore before the concert, so we are going shopping!" Jenna claps, looking excited as ever with Tyler looking at her with the greatest amount of love ever. I shoo them out so I can get dressed, and when I turn to find Josh on the counter, he isn't there.

"I got you a present." He says, suddenly behind me. His hands are over my eyes, body resting against mine. It takes a couple of seconds for me to regain my normal breathing, and only then can I answer.

"What is it?" He chuckles, and kisses my shoulder. He gently pushes me forward. I keep going straight until my knees hit the bed. He kisses the back of my head, and releases my eyes.

On the bed is a beautiful dress. The top is black lace that slowly fades into a white color as it flares down at the bottom. I squeal and wrap my arms around him.

"When did you get this?" I ask, kissing his cheeks as he grins at me.

"This morning. Jenna and Tyler were in here while I went to get it. I want you to wear it on my birthday, if that's ok with you?" He looks like a shy little boy asking for a cookie. I nod, and wrap my arms tighter around him.

"Ok, I need I find something to wear for today." He lets go of me, and lays down on the bed, playing on his phone. Rummaging through my bags, I decide on the perfect outfit. I grab my black maxi skirt with a slit on the leg, going to my upper thigh. Also, I grab my favorite shirt ever, the one that says 'I prefer the drummer'.

Walking into the bathroom, I put the stuff on and I throw my hair up into a messy bun, placing a bow around it. Winging my eyeliner, I decide that is all the makeup I want to wear today. Opening the door, I hear Josh giggle.

"I love that shirt." I roll my eyes and kiss his nose, pulling him off of the bed. We start heading to the door when Jenna opens it.

"I got tired of waiting. Let's go." She grabs my hand and pulls me, almost causing me to trip. I laugh and jog a little bit so I can keep up with her. Tyler and Josh are following behind us, no problem with keeping up. Tugging on Jenna's hand, I plead for her to slow down. She glares at me for a second, but it transforms into a smile.

"Sorry." I smile at my friend, gently pushing her shoulder. Instead of holding hands, we hook our arms together and practically skip while talking. Occasionally we can hear Josh or Tyler laugh from behind us, and something about that was comforting.

We've been walking around town for about ten minutes when Jenna starts slapping my arm. A sign in front of us reads free puppies. We both look at the boys who glare.

"Abby-Lynn, you already have a dog." Josh's voice is stern, but you can hear the hint of laughter in it.

"But he likes Mark more than he likes me!" I cry out, pouting and placing my head on Josh's shoulder. Tyler has already lifted Jenna over his shoulder and is carrying her away, and Josh just takes my hand and leads me away. "Jerk." I whisper, glancing at him.

He looks at me and winks. We eventually catch up to the other two. Deciding on going into the mall, Jenna and I hook arms again, our boys in front of us this time. I can't take my eyes off of Josh. The way he carries himself while walking is just hella attractive.

"I'm going shopping in here. Bye!" Jenna yells to them, pulling me into the store. I wear the boys shuffling after us, quickly standing behind us. I roll my eyes, smirking at how cute our boys are.

"Come on, Jishawa. We are going to have you try on some clothes."

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