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Charlie's POV

Zahra opened the door to our house and walked in Matt following,

"You's ready for some rides" Matt smirked as they stepped into the house.

"Don't rub it in that I can't go on anything" Zahra laughed as she placed her hands on her baby bump.

We were going to an indoor carnival, for all ages, in town and we were all pretty excited, even Brooklyn was.

Metsy and Luke walked in the door a few minutes later Luke screaming.

"Right come on, we're not going if you won't behave." Betsy yelled at Luke. As he tried to escape the pram.

He soon sat still and Parisa got Ebonys pram sorted and we all left.

We walked down the street then into the town centre.

"Carry me daddy?" Brooklyn turned around to me and lifted her arms up to be lifted, "I'm too tired to walk."

I gave in and picked her up and sat her on my shoulders.

"You should be walking missy" Parisa laughed and continued pushing Ebony's pram.

We got to the large arena where the carnival was being held and we waited in the queue to get in.

Me Luke and Brooklyn were playing tag up and down the walk way as everyone else waited in the queue.

We finally got to the front, and we payed to get in then got bands.

We walked in and the place was huge. Crowds and crowds of people everywhere.

Fans coming running towards us, we took pictures with them and signed things then went to do our own thing.

It was now lunch time, I felt completely dizzy, I had been dragged on crazy up side down rides, by the adults and had been on baby rides with Brooklyn, Luke and I even took Ebony on a small round about thing.

We stood in a queue at a fish and chip van. We finally got to the front and orders. We got lunch and sat down at a small table.

Suddenly a ride hat hadn't been running started up. The swung in the air, flying around, going upside at he same time, " I wanna go on that!" Parisa and Betsy screamed at the same time.

After lunch we watched as the girls got seated.

We could here them screaming as we stood watching. "Daddy it's going to fast to see mummy and auntie Betsy." Brooklyn said and I held her in on arm and rocked Ebony's pram back and forward trying to get her to sleep, with the other.

The came off, Bets in a slightly better state than P.

Parisa staggered about them caught onto me. "That was fast," she complained.

"I'm gonna go take Brooklyn to the kiddy Ferris wheel, I'll meet you back her, let the girls return to normal" Zahra said.

"I'm gonna throw up," Parisa moaned running to the nearest bin,

I ran after her, leaving Ebony's Pram with Mikey, to continue rocking.

"Don't let me on anything like that again." Parisa moaned, as I grabbed her hair back, and she threw up again.

We got back to the group and she whipped her hands and mouth with baby whiles from Ebony's  changing bag. 

"I wanna go in the cars" Brooklyn said as her and Luke ran to the dodgems, we followed.

"I'm gonna give this a pass,"Betsy said, still staggering on her feet,

"Me too, " Parisa agreed.

Her, Betsy and Zahra sat on a bench while we took the kids on, and Matt went on, on his own.

I strapped Brooklyn in then put my own seatbelt on.

We started the car and I kept a tight grip on Brooklyn so she wouldn't fall to far forward.

"You drive" I said to Brooklyn as I pressed my food on the pedal.

"Chance after, Uncle Mikey and Luke, and Uncle Matt" I told her and she co ti he's to step us into walls.

I drove us out from the wall and let her try steer it. But as we chased after Mikey and Luke a group of teenage Boys banged into out car and I lost my grip on Brooklyn as she went flying forward bursting her lip  open on the steering wheel.

She burst into tears on me as the boys drove away. I tried to get us out the car so we could get her seem too but they wouldn't let us.

Parisa threw an argument with the guy running the ride as Brooklyn's lip bleed.

Parisa gave up her argument and barged threw the harried and into the side of the track,

"Come her Sweetie," she said as the guy pushed her off the track. I handed her Brooklyn then got out the car myself.

Soon the ride was over and we were taking Brooklyn to first aid.

"Another tissue," Parisa said as she tried to stop the blood as she carried Brooklyn who's lip was gushing with blood.

"Can we swap, she's getting too heavy?" She asked, I nodded and took Brooklyn from her arms and she took Ebony's pram.

I held the tissue to her lip as she cried.

We finally got to first aid and they tried to stop the blood, but they said that she'd need stitches or at least butterfly stitches.

The others went back home and Zahra and Matt took Ebony while me and P took Brooklyn to A&E....

900 words exactly!!!
Sorry I've not updated in a while,
Hope it's worth the wait!
Next chapter should be Brooklyn's A&E trip,
Till next time.....

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