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Parisa's POV

I was getting Luke Changed while Charlie was in the living room with a crying Brooklyn. Her head still hurt, we agreed once Betsy and Mikey returned we were gonna have to take her to the hospital.

I walked into the living room and sat look in his playpen and let him play and sat beside Charlie who had a now sleeping Brooklyn on him.

"She's finally sleeping" he whispered to me.

Suddenly Mikey and Betsy walked in which made Brooklyn stir.

"Is she still asleep?" Mikey asked.

"Her heads very sore, she's not slept most of the night" I said.

"Aww what happened to her?" Betsy asked sitting on the other sofa.

"Well there was an accident and Brooklyn trip hitting her head on the table and knocking Luke over, but Luke's fine. It's Brooklyn who's head still hurts." Charlie said as Brooklyn woke up on his lap.

"It hurts" she cried.

Charlie wrapped his arms around her and kissed her head lightly. "I know Princess we'll go to the hospital soon and the doctors will fix it" he said to her.

He looked so tired, I suppose when Brooklyn hadn't slept he hadn't slept either. I know he didn't want to wake me but he should of, it wasn't fair for him.

*time skip to hospital*

We had just got out the car and we entered the hospital.

We signed in at reception and waited to be seen.

Because Brooklyn had a head injury and she was only a young Child she was seen pretty quickly,

"Because of her previous history with the tumour and that we are taking her for a scan, this could be serious, she might have the actual tumour." The doctor told us.

I hadn't though put about it really. I forgot all about the tumour they thought she had when she was only 6 months old. I bursted into tears realising what was happening. Charlie wrapped an arm around me as Brookyln Asked "daddy, hays mummy sad" her Big brown eyes looked up at Charlie, who I know had know idea what to say to her, "well Baby, mummies sad because you might not be very well. The Doctors going to take you soon and he's going to find out what's wrong with you" ran a hand through her hair.

"Now Brooklyn, can you come with me and you will be able to see Mummy and Daddy soon" a nurse said and Brooklyn took her hand and they walked off down a long corridor.

That's when I broke down. I fell to the floor and Charlie sat down with me. They were 70% sure she had a tumour.

"Parisa, you need to calm down, it's not confirmed yet it might just be she got a bump on the head. But if it is the tumour then I'm sure there will be ways they can treat it. But all I know is that you need to calm down, because this isn't good for your baby." A nurse said from behind me. I recognised her from one of the scans I've had, she was a nurse that was there regularly. " Now come on, and I'll take you to a special waiting area for results like these." The nurse said.

We went up a few floors in a lift and sat in the waiting area. It was empty. Only me and Charlie.

"She'll be okay P" Charlie hugged me tight.

*hours later*

We were still here waiting, no news, no nothing. We hadn't seen Brooklyn either.

Then the nurse came in, the same one from earlier.

"She wants to see you's and we have her results" she said nervously. "Do you want to come speak with her then we'll give you the results, the doctors got them ready" she continued.

I nodded and me and Charlie stood up. We were lead down a long corridor and I to a room, the room had 6 beds in it. Brooklyn was in one and another four was filled.

"Hey beautiful" Charlie said as we saw her.

"Daddy" she smiled, "mummy you coming in?" She asked. I froze at the door realising that I was in a children's ward with sick children but even worse my own child was in it.

"Yeah, just coming Brooky" I said.

I went and sat beside her. She told us all about how they gave her medicine then she had to have doctors look at her (scan) and other things.

"Now Brooklyn can I take Mummy and Daddy from you for just a minute, they'll be right back," the nurse asked.

"Okay Grace," Brooklyn smiled.

"She's a little sweetheart." The nurse, who's name was apparently Grace told us.

"Now the doctors got the results. Right in the room up that corridor" she pointed to the room at the top,

We got there and sat down inside,

"Now I know this is very hard for you, especially you being pregnant Mrs George" he started, "we took Brooklyn for some scans. You'll be glad to here there's no tumour at all. She got got a serious bump on her head. We're going to keep her in the hospital for the next few days, but really it's just to check up on her. She's on extra strong medicine to take the pain away. The medicine will make her hyper but it will only be needed for this week en she should be absolutely fine"

I sighed in relief, my princess was fine after all.

Sorry it took me so long to update,
But here it is anyway.
Charisa baby will be born soon,
Which means I'll need more names suggestions.
Also Happy halloween!!!

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