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Charlie's POV

I walked in the house holding the lead. 

Woof, woof,woof. It wouldn't shut up.

"Buster, shut up a minute" it said be he carried on.

My parents were going. On holiday for two week so I offered to watch dog. Which might if not of been a good idea. There's a new baby in the house, a toddler, and four immature adults.

"Mate, whys there a dog in here." Mikey asked coming out the kitchen carrying a sleeping Luke.

"I may of offered to dog sit" I said.

"Parisa's not gonna like that. The house is a mess as it let alone having a dog." He said.

"I'm gonna hide him from her as long as possible." I admitted,

"Whys there barking" P looked down at us from the stairs.

"Not long then" Mikey laughed walking up the stairs.

"Why's Buster here," she asked.

"My mum and dad are away for the 2 weeks so i offered to dog sit." I told her.

"And you didn't tell us." She was starting to get mad.

"It was last minute," I lied.

"The house is a mess as it is, we don't need a dog on top of that." She moaned,

Before I had a chance to reply Brooklyn ran down the stairs.

"Doggy" she squealed, running to buster.

I let him off the lead and he ran away from Brooklyn.

"Doggy" she chances after him.

"And You think this was a smart idea" Parisa looked at me then at our daughter who was currently trying to ride Buster like a horse.

"Maybe" I said trying to avoid the conversation and went to rescue Buster from a hyper Brooklyn.

Parisa's POV

The house was a mess, Brooklyn was hyper, there's a new baby screaming all night, a tired Mikey and Betsy, a crazy Charlie, and now a dog. His could be fun.

Brooklyn ran past me on the stairs chasing Buster, then Charlie ran past me trying to get Brooklyn.

"This is crazy" Betsy said, suddenly appearing by my side,

"Is Luke asleep?" I asked her.

But my question was soon answered when Mikey appeared rocking a screaming Luke.

Betsy pointed to him.

"I see" I said.

"Brooklyn, don't pull his tail" I heard Charlie yell from the room.

"Buster get off the bed" he then yelled.

"If that dogs on my bed, I'm gonna go mental" I said stomping up the remaining stairs and into my room.

Right enough Buster was on the bed, Brooklyn almost on top of him and Charlie stood on the bed trying to get Brooklyn off.

Charlie looked at me, "sorry" he said,

"Right Brooklyn get off the dog" I said, she climbed off of him and the dog ran right past me nearly sweeping me off my feet.

I looked at Charlie angry and he walked out the room with Brooklyn, knowing I was mad.

Mikey's POV

I paced back and forward in the living room trying to get Luke to sleep. Betsy was crashed on the sofa, she was so tired, she been up along with me for most of night with Luke.

Soon his screams came to an end and his eyes closed. Finally asleep.

"Is he asleep" Betsy asked.

I nodded. I looked down at the sleeping baby, he looked so much like me. It hadn't really sunk in yet that he was my baby.

I placed the baby in the Moses basket and sat on the sofa with Betsy.

Charlie's POV

I made a quick exit from the room as I knew Parisa was mad.

I went downstairs with Brooklyn and we'd make lunch for everyone.

"Pizza" she squealed as I got her a stool so she could reach the worktop.

I got the pizza bases and got the things.

We put tomato paste on, then all the toppings.

We put it in The oven to cook.

After it was finished I took it out. I cut it up and put the slices on played and we took it into the living room.

P,Bb and Mikey were all sat on the sofas, Betsy feeding Luke.

"We made Pizza" Brooklyn squealed.

We all tucked into the pizza and watched some junk TV.

After Lunch I suggested we all go out for a walk,.

We all got our coats and that and Betsy and Mikey worked out how to work the pram and put Luke in it.

I put found Buster hiding upstairs and put his lead on.

"You take it then" I said to Brooklyn and handed her the lead.

I out my shoes on at the top of the stairs.

Brooklyn started walking down the stairs but buster pulled the lead hard and it came right out of her hands and she tripped over it falling down the stairs....

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