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Charlie's POV

I woke to bouncing on the bed.

"Wakey wakey!" Brooklyn bounced.

"Morning" I moaned as I turned around. My head was thumping.

"Mummy" Brooklyn woke Parisa up

"Hey Brooky" Parisa moaned as she clutched onto her head.

I lifted up the covers and Brooklyn jumped in beside us.

"What's times it" Parisa asked.

"8:04" I looked at my phone.

"Uggh" Parisa moaned. "Your up early Brooklyn"

"The light came right into my room, the blind wasn't shut" she said.

Parisa glared at me. "Did daddy not shut it"

"No!" She said,

"Do you want to go back to sleep in here with us" I asked her, lightning the mood.

"Yeah" she pulled the covers up and curled into my chest, minding Parisa's head which was also leaning against it.

"You didn't shut her blinds!" Parisa glared at me. "We could of sleep late."

"I'm sorry, but hey look we can go back to sleep now" I said.

Mikey's POV.

"Morning" I said to Bets as she stirred.

"What times it?" She asked rubbing her eyes, "ow my head"

I moved slightly and grabbed my phone hitting the botton.

"10:23" I said.

"Come in lets get breakfast" Betsy said and stumbled up and Put some clothes on. I done the same.

"My head thumping" I moaned.

"So is mine" she said.

"Go see if Charisa and Brooklyn want something" she said

I walked across the hallway and opened The Charisa room door.

Charisa and Brooklyn lay in the bed all curled up bed all three of them sound asleep. I snapped a pic of the cuteness then left the room closing the door behind me.

I came downstairs to find Betsy not int the living room or kitchen.

I looked over to the bathroom door. It was hard open, I peeked in and saw Betsy throwing up.

I raced to her side holding her messy Blonde hair back.

I paced her a tissue and she whipped her mouth,

"You okay?" I asked,

"I feel awful" she fell back leaning onto me.

"Come on, let's get something to eat." I started to stand up bring Betsy with me.

She stumbled back as she stood in her two feet. I caught her and picked her up in my arms.

"I really don't feel well" she moaned.

I carried her upstairs and lay her on the bed. "I'll bring breakfast up" I said.

I kissed her head and left the room.

I went downstairs and put some bacon in the fryer.

Charlie's POV

"Daddy" Brooklyn woke me up.

"Hey Brooky" I said.

"I'm hungry" she said.

"Come on then, il, get you something to eat." I picked her up and climbed out of bed.

Parisa started to stir, As we moved.

"Morning" she rolled over,

"Hey," I turned around and pecked her lips.

"Food!" Brooklyn yelled,

I laughed along with Parisa.

"You definitely get your apatite from you daddy" Parisa laughed.

"I'll bring you breakfast up" I said to P as Brooklyn dragged me out the room.

I picked Brooklyn up and twirled her around.

"Daddy" Brooklyn yelled as I threw her in the air.

I walked into the kitchen and saw Mikey sitting by the worktop cooking bacon.

"Morning" he said as we entered the kitchen.

"Morning Uncle Mikey" Brooklyn said,

"Morning Brooky" he took her from me, "do you want bacon too" he said as he tossed the bacon the pan.

"I want pancakes" she said.

"Then I'll let daddy make you them" he said and out her down and started buttering bread for sandwiches.

I put a pancake mixture in the pan and started to cook pancakes.

"I want to toss them" Brooklyn said.

"Come on the" I helped her toss them.

After we'd made them we covered them in Nutella and took them upstairs to eat in bed.

"We've got pancakes" I announced as I walked into mine and P's bedroom.

"Yummy" she said.

We tucked Into the pancakes eating every piece.

Another filter chapter!! I'll try update more!!

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