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Parisa's POV

I officially hated being pregnant! I was bored and fed up. I couldn't do anything or go anywhere. I was almost 9 months now not quite.

I sat in Brooklyn's room helping her get ready for bed. I had a sharp pain run through my stomach but it didn't bother be too much. I had pain sometimes that's what's presumed it was,

"Can I have this story?" She asked handing me a story book.

I nodded and started the story. By the time I was finished she was asleep.

I slowly moved out her room turning the light off and closing the door behind me.

I was so tired and I've done literally nothing all day. I slowly made my way downstairs to see Charlie on one sofa Betsy and Mikey cuddled up on the other. Charlie patted the spot next to him and I sat down and we cuddled up and started the movie.

The sharp pain I had on Brooklyn's room came back and this time it was longer and more painful. I jumped up and let out a squeal.

I didn't realise what I had done until the movie was paused and Betsy, Mikey and Charlie were gathered round me.

"You're in labour aren't you?" Charlie asked.

"No," I lied.

"Parisa! How long have you had the pains?" Betsy asked.

"Since I put Brooklyn to bed" I admitted.

"You need to go to the hospital now!" Betsy said, "don't start with the who's gonna watchBrooklyn stuff and all that. Well keep her, No excuses your going to the hospital!"

I nodded. I knew I couldn't win this argument.

Charlie went upstairs getting my hospital bag. Then he helped me to the car,

"Good luck. Well come see you's tomorrow" Betsy kissed my cheek and hugged me but I bounced away as another contraction came.

As we stopped at a red light, I screamed as another contraction came.

"I can't do this," I cried,

"Yes you can. You've done it before you can do it again." Charlie took my hand reassuringly.

We arrived at the hospital and they immediately sent me to a room and got my midwife.

She done all the checks and left me in the hospital room with a nurse and Charlie as she went to get some things.

The pain was unbelievable. I think it was worse from when I had Brooklyn.

I reached for Charlie's hand as another contraction came. I screamed, this one was worse. The pain was unbelievable.

I sighed in relief and it disappeared, "can you call Zahra?" I asked Charlie.

He nodded and within 20 minutes she was by my side holding my hand.

"I can't do this anymore" I screamed in pain.

"Yes you can baby." Charlie kissed my head.

After what felt a lifetime of contractions they let me push.

"On your Next contraction I need you to push Parisa" the midwife Said,

I screamed and pushed. I was tired now, I had no energy left. It was around midnight now all I wanted to do was sleep.

"I can't do this" I moaned the contraction passed.

"Yes you can sis" Zahra said taking my hand.

I was told to push and push and push until they finally said,  one last push and you'll have you baby.

"Come on, Parisa. One more push" Charlie said.

"Shut up Charlie" I screamed and pushed.

My baby was handed to me and the cord was cut.

Tears ran down my face and my baby cried.

"We'll go clean her up for you and we'll get her measured and weighed and everything" the nurse said. "And another nurse will take you to get showered."

Within a hour, I was cleaned up and was waits for my baby to be brought back to me.

"Here you go" a nurse walked in holding my crying daughter.

They handed me to her and she soon calmed down. "She gorgeous" Zahra smiled.

"She looks like you" Charlie said as I carefully passed her to him.

He sat at my bedside carefully holding the baby u tile he started crying.

I got her passed back to me and a nurse brought me a bottle.

She started taking her first bottle. Once she was finished I put the bottle down and looked down at her smiling up at me.

"You want a cuddle from Aunty Zahra?" I giggled to her.

I carefully handed her to Zahra who was desperate to hold her.

"Do you's have a name yet?" She asked

Me and Charlie looked at each other and said at the same time......

Next Charisa baby is born!!!
It's girl!!!
Name will be revealed next chapter!

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