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Parisa's POV

Today Zahra was taking Ebony and we were spending the day with Brooklyn.

"What do you want to do today?" I asked Brooklyn as I braided her hair.

"I want to go to the park" she replied.

"It's too cold babe, it's winter now." I told her

"Can we go to the swimming pool then?" She asked,

"I'm sure we can" I replied as I tied the end of her braid.

"So what are we doing today?" Charlie's asked as he walked into the room.

"I want to go to the swimming pool, the one with the slides" she said.

"Oh I love the slides there" he laughed, he was such a big kid when it came to things like that.

"I'll go pack the swim bags" I said.

It was unusually quiet in the house without Ebony, normally there would be her screaming them Brooklyn shouting over her.

I got the swimwear then the towel and packed it all in a bag.

Within an hour we had got to the swimming pool.

I got Brooklyn changed and then I got changed. Charlie stood waiting for us beside the lockers. We put all our things in the lockers and went and got showers.

We went Into the main pool just as the wave machine started.

Brooklyn was pushed off her feet and under the water. Charlie picked her so she wouldn't fall under again. She spat a mouth full of water out at him as she coughed.

"Lets put your arm bands on you" I said. I attempted to start blowing them up but I failed at that.

"Here, you do it" I handed them to Charlie who was laughing at me trying to blow the, up.

He had them blown up in minutes and I put them on Brooklyn.

Charlie's POV

I blew up Brooklyn's arm bands and gave them to Parisa to put them on her.

"I wanna go on that one" Brooklyn said pointing to a flume above us.

"You go on that with Daddy and I'll wait at the bottom" Parisa said.

I took her hand and we walked up all the steps and waited in line.

"Is it dark inside it?" She asked me as she looked at the slide.

"A little babe" I replied.

"Will you come done it with me?" She asked, she now looked scared about going on it.

"You're too small to go on it yourself anyway" I said.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around to see a girl about my age. She obviously was trying to flirt with me.

She talked away to me, I ignored her. I was happy with Parisa I didn't need another girl.

"Daddy," Brooklyn said getting my attention. The girls face turned bright red after realising I was Brooklyn's dad.

"Yeah babe" I answered.

"Is mummy at the bottom?" She asked.

That made the girl even angrier, the fact that I had a girl and a daughter. I laughed and answered Brooklyn, "she is babe"

"You know, you can still have a girlfriend and a daughter and still be mine" the girl said.

"Actually I have a wife" i smirked, "and she won't be happy about you"

"Daddy it's our turn" Brooklyn said pulling me towards the slide.

I sat down lifting Brooklyn onto my lap. We were told to go and we started going down the slide.

"It's dark" Brooklyn cried.

"It's okay, look I can see the bottom" I pointed to the bottom.

She smiled as we got to the bottom.

We landed in the pool, my feet hit the bottom and I Stood up and Brooklyn's arm bands kept her afloat,

"Did you enjoy it?" Parisa asked,

"It was goofed fun but it was so dark," she said,

I heard a splash in the pool and turned around to see the girl. She smiled at me,  a wide fake smile.

I immediately took Parisa's hand and she looked up at me, I kissed her head and she winked at me, Knowing what i was doing.

I turned around and i saw the girl looking jealously at us.

She ran a hand down my bare chest and the girl ran away. "You'll always be my girl," I whispered in P's ear.

Before she could reply Brooklyn was already talking, "I wanna go on the one with the big rubber rings." Brooklyn said.

We stood in the Que. waiting for a ring to become free,

"It's only rings for two, I'll wait again" Parisa said. I knew this was just an excuse, I knew she was scared of the water slides.

"Brooklyn needs to sit on one of our laps, she's too small to sit by her self" I told her. "You'll be fine, I promise you," I said.

"I'm trusting you," she replied.

We got our rubber ring and I was made carry it up the stairs.

Parisa sat in one of the holes for sitting in and I sat in the other with Brooklyn on my lap.

One of my arms wrapped around a wriggling Brooklyn who wouldn't sit still and my other hand held Parisa's shaking one. Her grip on it was so tight I couldn't move it.

We started sliding down it. Parisa looking scared by the second.

Brooklyn was trying to get of my lap so she could slide down it by herself without a rubber ring.

"Sit still" I told her as she wriggled about on my lap.

She finally sat still as we got to the bottom of the slide.

The relief of Parisa's face as we climbed out the rubber ring.

We continued at the swimming pool for around another hour. We went on slides, the wave pool, lazy river, jacuzzi, and tones more things.

It was good spending the day with Brooklyn, I was glad she was ok with being a big sister now.


Little cute chapter without Ebony, just Charisa and Brooklyn.

For the next chapter do you's want

A Charisa intimate night  
A Christmas chapter
Or just a normal kinda day in chapter.

It's your choice!!
Comment what one ASAP and if I get enough of comments for which one I'll try write it later!

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