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Parisa's POV

After a week being stuck at the hospital, I was finally aloud home.

I had packed my stuff and was just putting my shoes on while waiting for Charlie.

After a few minutes Charlie came in holding Brooklyn's hand.

"Mummy" she let go of Charlie's hand and ran over to me.

"Hey" she jumped onto me.

"Can you come home now?" She asked, she's been asking that everyday she's been here to see me.

"I can" I said, and a smile spread across her face.

"Come on then" Charlie said, he picked Brooklyn up off my lap and pecked my lips at the same time.

The whole Car journey home was filled with Brooklyn chatting away, she was telling me about the new Peppa pig episodes I missed while I was in the hospital.

"You can watch them with her for the next 1000 times" Charlie laughed, keeping his eyes on the road. He really hated Peppa pig.

"We're home!" Charlie shouted as he opened the door for me.

"Thank you" I spoke poshly. He laughed and opened the back door and undone Brooklyn's seat belt, lifting her out of the car and carrying her into the house.

"Parisa!" Betsy ran down the stairs and threw her arms around me.

"Bets" we jumped up and Down together.

"We have wedding plans to discuss!" She squealed.

"We also have our second album to complete" I reminded BB. (this stories now in the future so their first albums released and now their second albums getting released soon!)

I went upstairs and started sorting out my bag I brought home from the hospital.

"Mummy" Brooklyn ran into the room and started bouncing on the bed.

"Hey Baby" she held my hands as she jumped.

"Daddy, Aunty Betsy and uncle Mikey want you down stairs." She carried on bouncing,

"Why's that" I picked her up and walked towards the door and then down the stairs.

"I can't tell you" she covered her mouth with her hands.

I walked into the living room, still carrying Brooklyn.

"Movie night" all three of them screamed.

"You's did this?" I asked.

I looked around the room there was blankets and pillows and the laptop was plugged into the projector which was beaming onto the wall.

"I helped Mummy" Brooklyn said.

"I bet you did" I giggled at her.

"Why don't you two go put your Onesie on like us and come back down" Betsy said. It was then I realised everyone was in onesies.

Me and Brooklyn went back upstairs and got changed.

We came back down and sat on one of the sofas.

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