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Mikey's POV

I hadn't realised what I had done. I hadn't meant it in this way. I watched as Betsy dragged two suitcases and a bunch of bags out the door.

The door slammed shut and that's when I realised what I had done.

I broke down on the sofa, my head buried In my hands. I didn't mean to hurt her.

I pulled my self together as I heard Luke awake through the baby monitor.

I went upstairs and took Luke out his cot and let him run around.

"Where mummy?" He asked.

It's then I froze, what do I tell him?

"She's went to see granny and grandpa for a few days" I lied to him, I really had no idea where she was.

We spent the rest of the day playing and then I made some dinner and we watched a movie.

I walked upstairs a tired Luke in my arms, as we got to the top of the stairs Luke asked, "coz mummy not here, me sleep in big bed,"

I knew Betsy hated him sleeping with us but she wasn't here tonight so he could have a treat.

"You can, If you promise to sleep and not get up and down" I told him.

"Me promise" he said.

I got him changed for bed and let him climb into bed,

I read him a story and soon he was asleep.

I went back downstairs and sat on the sofa, I knew I had to tell someone what had happened so I picked up my phone and called Charlie.

He answered and I told him everything.

"I have no idea what to do now" I told him.

"Me either," Charlie laughed, "Parisa will though"

He was right, Parisa always had a way to sort things out between us.

"Where is P?" I asked.

"She's upstairs, Brooklyn's throwing a tantrum" Charlie told me. "I'll tell her what's happened in a minute once Brooklyn calms down"

"We can meet up tomorrow bring Luke with you and come to ours. We will sort things out" Charlie said.

"Okay, I'll see you there. Bye"

"Bye" he said then I hung up.

He was right, hopefully Parisa would know how to sort things out, she always had a way to help.

I turned on the TV and sat watching whatever was on.

A while later I felt my eyes getting heavy so I turned the TV off and walked upstairs.

I got into bed after Picking Luke up off the floor where he must have fallen out.

I was woke in the morning to Luke bouncing on top of me.

"Daddy, Daddy" he yelled,

"Morning" I rubbed sleep from my eyes and checked the time. 6:30am, he didn't do lie ins.

"Brekky daddy" he dragged me out of bed and he toddled down the stairs.

I made him some toast and cut it up for him and made myself a slice.

We watched some TV for a bit before we got ready and went to Parisa and Charlie's.

I knocked on the door and walked in to be greeted by Brooklyn running down the stairs Parisa chasing after her.

"You need to come and brush your teeth" Parisa yelled.

"I've brushed them" Brooklyn argued.

"No you haven't, back upstairs now," Parisa instructed taking Brooklyn's hand and dragging her upstairs.

I turned right and walked into the living room and placed Luke on the ground.

"Morning" Charlie said, he was a lot calmer than Parisa and sat on the floor with Ebony, letting her play around on her play mat.

Parisa stomped down the stairs Brooklyn following and they entered the living room.

"Hey Mikey," she smiled.

"Hey P." I said as I sat on the sofa.

P sat down on the armchair and Brooklyn sat in front of her and she started tugging threw Brooklyn's tangled hair with a hair brush.

"Mummy, you're hurting me" Brooklyn moaned.

"Well your hairs so tangled," Parisa answered back.

They sat arguing for ages and Parisa continued to yank a brush through her hair.

Me and Charlie weren't helping matters by laughing at them.

"Do one of you want to do it," Parisa turned to me and Charlie and snapped.

It was obvious she wasn't in a good mood this morning. "Nah thanks" Charlie laughed.

"Where's Aunty Betsy, she doesn't hurt when she brushes my hair?" The four year old asked.

"She's went back to see her mummy and daddy." Charlie lied to Brooklyn.

So the argument continued between Parisa and Brooklyn until Parisa finally managed to do her hair.

We let Brooklyn and Luke play with Brooklyn's toy kitchen and Ebony was asleep, so we could sort things out.

"All you have to do is say sorry. It was a mistake and that if you knew you were effecting her you would of never of done it" Parisa told me.

"Yeah but how? she's not answering my call or texts" I said to Parisa.

"I'll call her saying that you really want to talk to her and maybe she'll come around and you will get to talk to her." Parisa said. "I'll go upstairs and call her now." She added.

We sat patiently waiting for P to come back down and tell us what Betsy had said as we could here P talking.

I just wanted everything to be okay, and I just wanted Betsy back.

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