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Parisa's POV

I'm now 8 months pregnant. I'm fed up. Completely fed up of being pregnant. I just want my baby now. I was constantly throwing up, my bump was huge and the cravings were horrible.

I rolled around in bed and reached for my phone and checked the time, 8:13am. I really hated the constant kicking,

I rolled over and leaned my head on Charlie's chest.

"You awake?" He whispered.

"Yeah" I nodded. "I thought you'd still be asleep"

"Well with you wriggling about beside me, it's kinda hard" he laughed.

"Sorry," I mumbled into his chest.

"It's okay, I'm only joking" he smirked.

His hand was on top mine which was resting on my baby bump, the baby constantly kicking. "I can't wait till he or she is born" Charlie said.

"Then the fun begins" I giggled.

He leaned down a kissed my head and pulled me closer, but my baby bump got in the way.

We were just lay snuggled into each other when I jumped up and rushed for the bathroom.

Charlie walked in after me, grabbing my hair back and rubbing my back, as I threw up. Most people get rid of Morning sickness at around 5 months pregnant. But I didn't I've still got it.

I leaned back onto Charlie after I'd finished. "Done baby?" He asked.

I nodded and he swept me up into his arms and carried me back to bed.

"You need to rest. You look tired" he said.

I patted the spot next to me and he climbed in beside me and we cuddled up.m

It didn't take long before Brooklyn ran in.

"Morning" she bounced in the bed.m

"Hey baby" Charlie smiled and she climbed into the bed beside us.

"Can we have pancakes for breakfast." She asked out of the blue.

We slowly moved out of bed and started to make our way downstairs.

We got to the kitchen and we started making pancakes.

"Mummy lift me onto the counter so I can see the please" Brooklyn asked.

"I can't baby, reminder mummies got a baby in her tummy. She can't lift you any more" I told her.

"Here, you wanna sit on this one so you can see right over to the pancakes when there cooking?" Charlie asked and she nodded.

Charlie lifted her up and onto the work top and sat her down so she could see the pancakes.

Soon they were ready and we sat down eating them.

Then we got ready and we decided to go a little walk to the park, with Mikey, Betsy and Luke.

Me and Betsy sat down on a bench in the playground and watched as Mikey pushed Luke in a baby swing and Charlie was dragged up and down slides.

"Parisa, Betsy, does one of you a have band aids." Charlie asked walking towards us Brooklyn in his arms.

"Yep." P said, digging through her bag.

She handed me one and put it on Brooklyn's knee where she had blood running down.

"What happened" Betsy asked her.

"Well, we were on the pirate ship and I was about to go down the slide but there was this boy who ran past us and tripped me up" she said.

"Now I better be going and tripping him up. He hurt me, I hurt him!" She said running off.

"Brooklyn, you don't do that, that's not nice" I said but she had already ran off.

"She can do what she wants, that boy was tripping and pushing everyone. He pushed me" Charlie said.

We sat talking to one another until a crying Brooklyn came back, a mid aged women caring a boy around Brooklyn's age behind her, the boy also crying.

Charlie picked Brooklyn up and calmed her down and the women spoke.

"Which one of you's is in charge of her?" The women asked suddenly.

"Me," I raised her hand.

"Aren't you's all a little young for being in charge of these kids?" The women asked.

"Actually no, there are own kids," Betsy spoke. "We're not to young, these were our life choices"

"What did she do anyway?" Mikey asked.

"She hurt my little Timothy" the women spoke referring to the little boy who was crying in her arms.

"What did she do to him that he was hurt so badly, you had to come and speak to us?" Charlie asked as he sat down with Brooklyn on his lap.

"I didn't do anything Daddy" Brooklyn cut in. "That boy hurt me." She cried.

"I know baby, that little boys not very nice. But we need to pretend that we don't believe you so this lady won't go even madder at us." Charlie said out loud.

"My little boy was hurt by this girl" she screamed at us, making Brooklyn cry.

"For your information, that little boy hurt my little girl. I really don't care what your trying to tell us. Because we believe Brooklyn" I said to her.

"You's are just immature teenagers who have no idea what there doing with kids," she said and I could feel everyone temper rise.

But of course Charlie's temper broke first.

"You have no right on saying this to any of us. We're all in are twenties, I'm married and I'm Brooklyn's dad and about to be a dad to another kid. We could tell you that your to old to have a three year old. But we didn't do we? Keep you fucking opinions to you fucking self! And just Fuck Off!" He yelled and she started walking away,

"Language Chaz" I slapped the back of his head and Brooklyn laughed,

"well cover your ears Brooklyn" he laughed.

"Actually I would of said pretty much the same thing" Mikey agree with Charlie.

Betsy put Luke back in his pram, and Charlie carried Brooklyn and we went home.

I went in a lay down on on one sofa, turning the TV on. Brooklyn jumped up and lay on on front of me.

Charlie came and joined us, squeezing in beside us and we all lay down watching movies the whole afternoon. 

Another Chapter!!!
I'll try update tonight!!
Charisa babies coming soon!!
Which means more excitement!!!
remember to vote, Comment and share!!

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