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Wow!! Chapter 50 already!!

14th December 2019

Parisa's POV

Today we were going to the mall to see Santa.

Brooklyn was of course hyper. She had her whole Santa list written out.

Charlie was acting just as hyper as her. They came running down the stairs singing jingle bells.

I giggled and placed a giggling Ebony in her car seat. She was getting so big now, she was only 3 and a half months old.

Betsy and Mikey were meeting is there with Luke.

We finally got everything and got into the car.

We met Metsy and Luke at the door.

Luke was walking now,  he was going to be 1 soon it was amazing how time flys.

Betsy stood waiting for us with and empty pram.

"Where's Mikey and Luke?" I asked letting go of Brooklyn hand and continuing to push a pram which a sleeping Ebony lay in.

My question was soon answered when Mikey ran past following Luke who was running away from him.

"Luke Bromley, come here now!" He yelled but Luke ignored him and continued running.

"I can't wait to go through those stages again with Ebony" I laughed.

"I'm sure you can't because it's always me who's running after her" Charlie laughed.

"I suppose" I agreed with him.

Mikey finally came and joined us, Luke in his arms.

"Got him" he said and handed him to Betsy.

"Took you long enough" Betsy said and sat him in his pram.

"I want out!" He screamed. He was a good little talker for only being 11 months old.

"You're staying there until we get Santa" Betsy said and strapped him in the pram.

We made our way to where there was a large santa's grotto.

Elves stood outside greeting people and taking names.

Brooklyn was mesmerised by everything, but Luke not so much, he was just wanting out the pram.

"Go tell your name to the elf and she'll put you on the list to go see Santa" I said to Brooklyn.

"What's your name?" The elf asked Brooklyn.

"Brooklyn Tia George" she said cutely.

"I'll put your name on the list and you can go see Santa soon" the elf said.

"Are you seeing Santa too" she turned to Luke.

"Yes" he said still fighting with Betsy to get out the pram.

"Let me out mummy" he shouted.

"If you behave" Betsy said.

"Put his name on the list, Luke Bromley," Mikey said ignoring Betsy and Luke.

" do you's want them to see Santa together?" The elf asked us and we nodded.

"Ok, we'll call there name soon and you just have to come back to the grotto" she told us.

We sat on the bench and Betsy finally let Luke out the pram.

He was sat on Mikey's lap wriggling about.

Our names were finally called and as we all stood up Luke and Brooklyn ran towards the grotto. We all went inside and we sat down and watched the talk to Santa.

"What's do you's want for Christmas?" Santa asked them.

"Cars" Luke screamed

"I've brought my list, mummy and I wrote it" Brooklyn said pulling out a giant list.

"I'll take a look at this later it's rather long" he said.

"That's just a little of it" Brooklyn said.

To be honest it was we spent ages narrowing it down.

We spent a little longer with Santa then we left.

Me and Betsy went into some shops while the boys took the kids to get ice cream.

We met them sitting on a bench.

"Please say one of you's has baby wipes" Mikey said referring to the Luke and Brooklyn who were covered in ice cream.

"There's some in Ebony's changing bag" I said.

Luke took the ice cream cone and shaved it in his hair and face.

"Luke" Betsy screamed as I ice cream ran from his luscious blonde hair.

"Can you pass me wipes" Betsy said, wiping  ice cream from his face.

I passed he the wipes and she cleaned him up.

Brooklyn was covered in ice cream as well.

"I don't want anymore," she handed a house eaten ice cream cone to Charlie who finished it for her.

I cleaned her up and then we all headed home getting a take out Chinese on the way!

Another chapter!!

I'm gonna ask you's to vote for what chapters you's want next

So for the next chapter the options are.....

A Charisa day at home doing Christmas things
A Metsy chapter
Charisa intimate night

Vote what what you's want!!!!

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