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Parisa's POV

"We decided to call her, Ebony Layla George" we said at the same time.

"That's adorable," Zahra said and handed me Ebony back.

"I'm gonna go, it's almost 1 am, I'll be back tomorrow"Zahra said.

She got her things and left.

"Did you text Betsy and Mikey?" I asked Charlie as I lay a sleeping Ebony on my chest.

"Yeah" he said,

"You wanna go home and get a proper sleep in an comfortable bed and come back tomorrow, I'll be fine over night here?" I asked him.

"Of course not, I'm gonna stay here with my girls" he said,

I scooted over in the bed and let him climb in next to me,

I moved slightly so my head was on his chest and Ebony lay in my arms,

"She perfect's" Charlie smiled.

We slowly drifted off to sleep but Ebony had us awake a lot of the night.

I was still lay in he hospital bed Charlie sitting up beside me Ebony in his arms when Brooklyn, Mikey, Betsy and Luke came in.

"do I have a new Baby sister or brother?" Brooklyn squealed.

"You do baby!" Parisa replied.

I patted the spot next to me on the bed And she came and sat down.

"Is it a girl or a boy?" She asked.

"It's a little girl, you have a little sister" I smiled at Brooklyn excitement and let her see Ebony.

"What's her name?" She asked.

"Ebony Layla George." We said at the same time.

"Do you want to hold her?" Parisa asked her.

"Yes" she squealed.

I carefully placed her in Brooklyn's arms Parisa supporting her from underneath.

"She heavy" Brooklyn moaned.

Parisa took Ebony from Brooklyn and and Passed her to Betsy who was desperate for a cuddle from her.

"When do you's come home?" She asked,

"Soon babe" Charlie replied as Brooklyn climbed onto him.

She sat talking to us and asked things about Ebony.

"Why don't we go home, get some lunch then we'll come back and see Ebony and Mummy?" Betsy asked Brooklyn.

She nodded and Betsy got her coat and helped her put it on.

"I'm gonna go home and get changed and that. I'll bring you a Nandos." Charlie said as he kissed me then leaned down and kissed Ebony's head. "I promise i won't be long." He kissed me one more time.

He left with the others and I lay with Ebony. She was just perfect. My family was complete. The love of my life and my two gorgeous daughters.

It was only about an hours u too Charlie and Brooklyn came back in, Charlie holding Brooklyn with a Nandos in his hand.

"Betsy and Mikey aren't coming Luke's playing up but I brought Brooklyn and your Nandos" he handed me the bag and sat beside me taking a crying Ebony from me and letting me eat my Nandos.

"What got you so upset" Charlie asked Ebony in a baby voice as he rocked her from side to side. "Does she need fed?" He asked.

I checked the time and nodded. "Can I help feed her?"Brooklyn asked.

"Of course, now let's go get her bottle." he said.

He got the bottle and checked to see if it was cool enough and he started giving it to her.

"Here Brooklyn you hold the Bottle." He said.

Brooklyn held the bottle to her mouth as Charlie held her. I Grabbed my phone and tweeted a picture.

Otyofficial: little family Px

There was already pictures of Ebony on Twitter that Zahra and Charlie posted earlier.

Brooklyn came and sat on the bed and Charlie sat next to her a sleeping Ebony in his arms. My family was perfect!

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