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So I'm gonna focus on Metsy for awhile because I don't have to much to right about Charisa right now. So hope you enjoy......

Betsy's POV

I was so mad at Mikey, her had been to Carlisle 3 times this month instead of being here with Luke and me.

I don't know if I was exaggerating but he should be here helping me with Luke.

I loved him and I didn't want to damage our relationship so I haven't said anything, but I think I have to now. It was getting kinda ridiculous.

I stood in the kitchen making Luke some breakfast and myself a little something.

"Where daddy?" Luke asked as I sat him in his highchair and handed him some cereal.

"He's visiting Papa and Nana" I told him.

"Why we not go?" He asked.

I don't really know how to answer so I just changed the subject and told him to eat his cereal so it wouldn't go soggy.

It had been a few days since Mikey had went to Carlisle so I was hoping he's be back soon.

Just as I was thinking that the front door opened and Mikey walked in.

"Daddy." Luke squealed trying to pull his highchair apart so he could jump out. But that only ended in his cereal going flying across the living room.

"Luke" I moaned as cereal covered me and Mikey.

"See you haven't changed." Mikey laughed and lifted Luke out his highchair and shakes his hair free of cereal.

I cleaned up and let them play for a bit.

Soon we went to the park then had some lunch in a cafe. Then came back home.

Luke had fallen asleep in the pram by the time we had got back to the house so Mikey just lifted him and put him down for his nap.

"So can the fun begin? We haven't seen each other in 4 days" Mikey said coming into the living room.

"No" I said sternly "we need to talk,"

"Okay, will it be a quick talk?" He asked and winked.

"No, sit" I ordered him.

He sat next to me on the sofa and asked, "so what's this about?"

"You" I answered.

"Okay, What about me?" He asked.

"You leaving me here looking after Luke while you go up and see your friends and family  and party in Carlisle" I got straight to the point.

"You go to Brighton to see your family," he told me.

"I've been once without you and Luke and that was for a day."  I stated.

"So your saying I should spent my life restricted here with you and Luke" he said I could tense his anger.

"No, I'm saying you should help me bring him up instead of   partying with his friends. Miles away" I felt the tear run down my face.

He didn't know how to reply, and he made it obvious. "Why didn't you tell me you weren't happy?"

"Because I didn't want you not to be happy but this had got ridiculous now" I told him.

He didn't reply, he just stared at me.

"I thought I loved you but now this is a different story. you could try and help me" I spoke before I thought about what I was saying.

"Then go leave, you go party with friends and hang out with family," he yelled at me tears blinding him.

"I will then" I spoke loudly, I reached down to my ring finger and yanked my engagement ring off. "Keep it for a better girl," I threw it at him.

I stomped upstairs and packed my bags. Then I left.....

Dun dun dun.....
What will happen next!

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