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For everyone who doesn't know what a playgroup is its like a pre-school/kinder-garden/nursery. Playgroups are more aimed at children Brooklyn's age (2 and a half) but I think they can kinda be for all children until they go to school.

1 month later

Parisa POV

Today was Brooklyn's first day at play group. She had been to see it with us, so she knew what it was and that. she didn't really want to go, but I knew she had to try it.

"Brooklyn!" I said as she ran away from me as I was trying to get her dressed.

"I don't want to go!" She yelled. She ran out the room.

"Brooklyn Tia George" I was starting to lose my patience.

I stomped downstairs to find Brooklyn,

"Brooklyn" I yelled.

No reply,

"I'm not going" she said,

"You need to go, you'll have fun and make friends." I told her, but no, she wasn't listening. She ran back up the stairs and into her room slamming the door.

"What's up" Charlie asked from the top of the stairs,

"Would you like to try and get our daughter ready, and go to playgroup. She doesn't want to go." I yelled at Charlie.

Charlie was the only one ready and we had to leave in half an hour.

"Calm down, it will be fine" he kissed my head and walked into Brooklyn room,

He entered our room a  minute later, Brooklyn in his arms.

"Right missy, time to get ready" he placed her on the bed.

I got her dressed then I had a quick shower and got ready.

After another lot arguments we left and got into the car.

"I don't want to go!" Brooklyn screamed on the way there.

"Your going" I told her.

"No!" She cried.

Seeing her cry broke my heart but I knew she needed to go and after a while she'd love it.

"I'm not going!" She yelled.

Charlie tuned out and sang along to the radio while I'll argued again with Brooklyn.

I had enough after a while and went to pass her my phone to play games on to keep her from screaming.

"Where my phone" I moaned searching my bag and pockets.

"You left it on the kitchen worktop" Charlie told me.

"Uhh" I moaned, "where yours?" I asked him as Brooklyn screams got loader.

"Pocket" he said.

I reached into his short pockets and took his phone out, I unlocked it and brought up Brooklyn games and handed it to her.

Soon her screams stopped and she was glued to her princess games.

After a while we got there.

Charlie undid her seatbelt and lifted her out while I got her bag.

We entered the pre school place and found Brooklyn playgroup room.

"Hello, who are you?" A cheery Middle Aged women asked.

"Brooklyn and I don't want to be here" Brooklyn said.

"I'm Lisa, and I'm going to be your playgroup leader, your going to make new friends and do tones of fun things" Lisa told Brooklyn.

She to us and burst into tears, Charlie picked her up as Lisa said, "don't worry within an hour she'll be loving it. Can you just fill his form in, then she can go in a play."

I took the form and pen from Lisa and Charlie calmed Brooklyn down.

I started to fill into the form.

Childs name: Brooklyn Tia George
Parents names: Charlie and Parisa George
Childs age: 2 and a half.
More and more questions and en finally I signed the bottom bit,

Parisa George

It felt good to be writing that, Parisa George.

I handed the form back to her and she read it over.

"Right Brooklyn, do you want to come paint a picture with the others, mummy and daddy can stay and watch." Lisa asked her.

She nodded and Charlie placed her back in the floor and took her hand and we walked into the play room.

Lisa got her sorted with the paints and everything and Brooklyn started painting.

After a while Lisa said we could go because really she wasn't interested in us

"We've got to go, we'll come back and get you in a few hours" Charlie told us.

We got a wave and Charlie got paint flicked at him and we left.

"Easier than I though" I said as we arrived back home.

"I thought it would be worst than that actually" Charlie said,

We entered the house and a panicking Mikey rushed down the stairs, "Betsy in labour..."

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