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Parisa's POV

It had been about an hour now, I lay in bed crying. I can't believe I done that,move ruined everything including our future.

I could hear footsteps near and part of me wished it was Charlie and the other part of me didn't.m

The bedroom door opened and Charlie stood there, tears rolling from his eyes.

"Parisa, don't slam the door on me yet. Let me talk" he said and came and sat next to me.

"Look Parisa, I'm sorry. I know i should of tried to help but I never knew this was going to be so hard. I'm sorry for not being..." I cut him off.

"Stop apologising it's be who should be sorry. I shouldn't of said anything. It's not fair" I cried badly

"Shh, calm down P" he said and Pulled me to his chest.

"I promise I'm gonna be a better father, I'm gonna help with everything now. I'll take my responsibility. I'm gonna be a better husband too" he looked down at me as I looked up at him.

He removed on arm from a round me and dug around in his pocked until he found a ring. My wedding ring. He slipped it on my finger and kissed me, it was long and passionate. The ones I loved so much.

"It's time for you to take a break. I'm gonna go back downstairs and entertain our girls, I'm also gonna let you sleep all night. I'll get Ebony every time she wake up and if Brooklyn's up I'll get her too." He said.

"That's not fair. We'll split the jobs" I said as I cuddled into him my head on his chest.

"No! I'm doing it all! It's your break. And I'll also make dinner tonight," he said.

"You know making dinner isn't going to get a take out," I laughed and he rolled my eyes.

"I think you should go down to the spa, take Betsy too! And you should relax get different treatments, all on me" he held up his bank card.

"Your amazing" I smirked.

"I'm only amazing for people who are amazing" he smirked.

"Thank you" I smiled,

I kissed him again and he kissed back.

"Now go get sorted and tell Betsy. Take this, You know the pin number" he handed me his bank card,

I went and got Betsy and we left for the spa.

We came back in before dinner expecting the house to be as chaos as usual but it wasn't.

We walked into the living room, Mikey on the sofa reading Luke a story and picture book. Brooklyn colouring in and Ebony asleep in the Moses basket. But Charlie was no where to be seen.

I took my coat and shoes off and walked into the kitchen to be greeted by Charlie mucking about over a pan the dining table that was never usually set, candles lid, flowers lying at the side.

"For you baby" he said as spun around picking up the flowers, giving them to me.

"You did all this for me? I didn't want all This, just you would of been fine" I giggled,

He laughed and said, "now go take a seat. Dinners ready"

"Quick question first, how do you turn the oven off?" He said looking confused.

I laughed and showed him.

Soon he was sat opposite me and we were eating, chatting away about random things. For once not running around after kids. It was nice just me and him.

"I love you" he smirked up at me as he cleared the empty plates away.

"I love you too" I said and yawned, i was so tired.

"Go upstairs, pick a movie put it on my laptop, I'll be up soon, I'll get the girls sorted." He said then blew out candles.

"Thank you" I smirked up at him as I stood up beside him.

"For what?" he pulled me closer by my waist.

"For all this, you didn't have to do all this. All i wanted was a little help" I said.

"You deserve all this. Way more than this actually. Now this is your night off. Go upstairs and get snuggled up I will come join you as soon as I can." He said and kissed my lips one more time.

I went upstairs and got cuddled up with blankets in bed. Getting Charlie's laptop and my Harry Potter box set getting movies.

Around an hour later he came into the room, Ebony in his arms.

"Brooklyn's in bed, but I've let her watch her TV and Ebony's sleeping don't know how much longer though." He lay her in her cot.

"Now cuddles?" He offered.

I nodded and he jumped in beside me, we cuddled up and we sat the laptop on in the middle of us. I was falling asleep after but when he moved it woke me.

"I'm gonna go turn Brooklyn's TV off and check on her. I'll be back in two minutes" he said,

The laptop had been moved and the blankets were still wrapped around us.

He came back in and lay beside me and I drifted off into a deep sleep.

I stirred a few time with Ebony's cries and Charlie moving to get her but apart from that I finally got a sleep.

I was happy I had Charlie back with my girls.

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