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Above I've put some pictures of what the dresses look like and like Parisa's shoes and tiara and what her hair will look similar too.

3months later

Parisa's POV

It was finally the day, the day every girl dreamed off. It was my wedding.

Charlie and Mikey are at Charlie's parents house which is like a 10 minute drive from our house, to get ready and that.

While me, Zahra, Betsy and Brooklyn are at our house getting ready.

the hair and make up artists had just arrived and we're starting on our hair and make up.

They were doing Betsy and Zahra first while I was getting Brooklyn ready.

"Do you like it" I asked Brooklyn as she looked in the mirror,

"I don't like it mummy, I love it." She smiled,

"Come on, let's go downstairs and get the ladies to do your hair." I said as I took her hand, she was the cutest thing ever.

We walked down stairs and into the living room where the hair and make up people were.

"Omg you look so cute Brooky." Betsy squealed as Brooklyn and I walked in. She was getting her hair curled and put in a fancy half up and down thing, same as Zahra's.

After about half an hour they were done and went to put on there dresses. Luckily for Betsy her bump wasn't really showed.

"You's next?" They asked.

I nodded.

"I'll do your make up while Laura does the little one's hair" Dina said, (she's the make up artist)

"Ok." I said.

I told her what I wanted my make up down like and she started.

" what am I doing with your hair?" Laura (the hair stylist) asked Brooky.

"What Aunty Zahra and Aunty Betsy got there's like" Brooklyn said.

She looked at me for approval and I nodded.

Brooklyn's hair was done and my make up was done. So Laura started on my hair.

"Are you getting your make up done" Dina asked Brooklyn.

"Yes please" she sat up on the chair.

"Is she allowed," Dina asked me,

"Yeah" I shrugged my shoulders. If she wanted it done she could have it.

Dina done it lightly for Brooklyn, some bronzer, a little blusher, very sparkly eyeshadow and some lovely lipgloss.

"Wow, I look like a princess" she twirled around.

"You do gorgeous" I sat.

My phone started to go, "Brooklyn can you pass me that" I asked my Brooklyn handed me my phone.

The scream read, Charlie😘💕

"Who is it?" Brooklyn asked

"Daddy" I said and answered it.

Phone call P-Parisa c-Charlie

P- hey
C-hey baby, you nearly ready I've got a surprise coming your way.
P-I've got my hair to get finished and my dress to put on.
C-you've got an hour.
P-ok what's the surprise
C-two things, I've booked the honeymoon, we go tomorrow and the other you'll find out in an hour.
P-tell me
P-ok. I'm so nervous babe
C-me too! I'll see you soon
P-see you soon too.
C-got to go, love you, bye
P-love you too bye

I hung up the phone

Tears filled my eyes, I knew if I cried my make up would run so I couldn't cry.

Betsy and Zahra entered the room, both looking gorgeous.

"You okay?" Zahra asked me.

"I'm so nervous" I held my tears in.

"Don't cry, your make up will run" Betsy said thawing her arms around me.

"Calm down babe, everything will be fine, you can finally become Mrs George." Zahra calmed me.

"Can I speak to him, one more time before the wedding" I asked, all I needed right now was to here Charlie's voice.

"Of course" Betsy said and Zahra whipped her phone out and failed Charlie and handed the phone to me.

C-hey, sup?
P-I just needed to talk to you. I'm so nervous
C-it's okay! You can always call me
P-what happened if something goes wrong? What happens if something doesn't come? Or the place isn't ready or...
C-Parisa calm down! Nothing will go wrong, I promise you. Stop stressing out,
P-I just want a Charlie hug right now
C-as soon as I see you, you can get a hug.
P-I'll see you soon
C-love you
P-love you too bye

"That better" Zahra asked as I handed her her phone.

I nodded.

"Right, come on. You've got a dress to put on." Betsy  dragged me up and we went upstairs and got my dress on me.

We came back down and I put my shoes on and the hairstylist put my tiara on.

"Wow!" Zahra and Betsy said in unison

"You look stunning" BB said.

"Thanks" I looked at my self in the mirror, I looked like a princess,

"Mummy, can you be the queen and I be the princess, your way prettier." Brooklyn said.

"Your always be my little princess." I took Brooklyn's hand.

Just then what must of been Charlie's surprise arrived.

Part 1 complete!!! What do you's think the surprise is?

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