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A few days later!

Parisa's POV

We were home now and everything was good. We had explained to Brooklyn about e engagement even if it hasn't sunk in yet. I still couldn't believe I was getting married.

"Morning mummy" Brooklyn bounced on our bed, "morning daddy,"

"Morning gorgeous" I said.

Charlie groaned and turned away. He was out last night with some guys and was hung over badly.

"Daddy" she bounced on him.

"Morning" he groaned.

"He's not well Brooky" I made up an excuse for him.

She climbed into out bed between us and rolled rounded to face me.m

"Can we bake cupcakes" she asked out of no where.

"I'm sure we can." I said.

We got up and had breakfast and then we got the stuff to make cupcakes.

Mikey and Betsy were upstairs getting ready and Charlie was in bed still.

We put the cupcakes in the oven after making the mix and put some Peppa pig on while we waited.

Finally they were done and we iced them and left them to cool.

After a while they were cool and ready to each.

"Can we eat them" Brooklyn asked as I put some in a plate.

"Of course, let's take them up to daddy," I said and carried the plate up to our room.

We entered my room and Charlie wasn't there.

"Wait here, I'll go find him" I told Brooklyn. I had a feeling I knew where he was. I put the plate down and went to find him.

I entered the bathroom and Charlie sat on the floor head over the toilet.

"I was a little drunk" he said as I tied his hair back.

"I can tell" he threw his head back over toilet and was sick again.

I rubbed his back and passes him a tissue.

He whiled his mouth as Brooklyn walked in, "I got a little messy" she said.

She was covered in icing. Her hair was full of it and all around her mouth was covered.

"We made cupcakes" I told Charlie.

"I took a guess" he laughed. I wiped her face with a while and just left her hair. I knew she was going for a bath later and I'd wash her hair so there's was no point.

Charlie picked her up and we walked back into our room.

"These look good" Charlie said and took a cupcake.

"They do don't they. Brooklyn's going to be a good baker." I took one too.

"They are very good" Charlie said with his mouth full.

We all curled up in the bed eating the cupcakes.

Just a filter chapter.

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