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Emotional Chapter....

Parisa's pov

I sat slide toy crying on the cold bathroom floor,

The clock ticked as it hit midnight, 00:00 am 21st December 2019

5 years since I lost my mum, I wanted her to be here, I wanted her to meet Brooklyn and Ebony, I wanted her at my wedding, I wanted her..... But i want doesn't get.

Every girls dream is for her children to have the perfect grandmother, their mum. My kids didn't get that, but I promised myself I would talk to them about her, tell her how much of amazing and inspirational person she is. I wanted them to know her, know what could of been one of the most important people in their life. Like she was to me.

5 years ago i lost my inspiration, my world, my mother. How did I live without her?

All I wanted was for my mum to hug me tight, tell me everything would be okay, tell me life was amazing, tell me that I became what I could, I done what I could to become the person I wanted to be, to tell me I was trying to do the best for my kids, to tell me I had the perfect husband, I wanted her.

I imagined my life with her now, how perfect it could be, what perfect didn't exist did it?  I Wished I was in my mums arms now, telling her how amazing she was, telling her how much I loved her. How much my daughters loved her.

I felt a pair of arms wrapped around me, I couldn't of wished more it was my mums.

"Stay strong beautiful" Charlie's voice whispered in my ear, I needed him right now.

I sobbed loudly into his chest, ever hopeful one of my girls wasn't awake, I didn't like them seeing me upset, I knew that they loved me, and I loved them, when they cry it breaks my heart, and I knew that nothing hurts more than seeing you own mother cry.

A voice appeared in my head, he same voice I remembered so much, that same voice that shouted at me when I was in trouble, that same voice that cared for me, that same voice that spoke the words, she spoke.

Her voice echoed in my head, "stay strong P, I love you"

I'm crying right now, I don't know if it was just me that found that emotional, but I don't care if it doesn't make anyone else upset or cry, it really touches me. This chapter came from my heart and shows emotion and a lot of thoughts rather than just words.

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