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Charlie's POV

I sat down on the sofa turning on the TV. I was the only one in the house now, that wasn't sick. Parisa had caught the stomach bug of the girls, I was surprised I hadn't caught it yet.
I Lay a sick Ebony in her Moses basket and changed the Chanel on the TV.

It as about 2 in the afternoon but Parisa was in bed a so was Brooklyn.

Brooklyn wasn't in bed much longer though, small footsteps walked down the stairs.

"Daddy" Brooklyn moaned,

"Yeah" I replied to her,

"I can't sleep" she said as she walked into the living room dragging her blanket behind her.

She sat on the sofa next to me and curled into me.

"I'm hungry" she told me.

"Anything you've ate, you've thrown back up. But if you want I'll get you something" I told her.

"Crisps" she smiled,

I went threw to the kitchen and brought her a packet of her favourite crisps, the ones she's ate since she's was six months old.

I opened them and handed them to her.

She ate about half of them then sat them down beside her. She looked as if she was gonna fall asleep.

I just left her lying there well I go Ebony a bottle and hoped she'd keep it down.

I sat on the armchair in the living room feeding Ebony, who seemed to be enjoying her bottle.
Brooklyn lay on one of the sofas, slowly falling asleep.

I placed Ebony on her play mat and handed her a few of her toys and lifted Brooklyn into my arms and carried her upstairs. I lay her in her bed and tucked her in.

I peeked my head into mine and Parisa's room and saw Parisa still asleep in bed. I closed the door back over and went back down stairs only to find the bottle I had just given Ebony had come back up.

I lifted my sick covered daughter up and took her upstairs a got her changed.

I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist and a body snuggled into me from behind, as I did Ebony's baby grow up. She leaned her chin on my shoulder as she watched me.

I turned around and kissed her head.

"Thank you" she whispered as I wrapped a blanket around Ebony.

"For what" I asked her, now facing her.

"For taking care of the girls while their sick and I'm sick" she smiled.

"I am their dad" I smile to her and let a wide a wake Ebony grab my fingers.

"Who has a total phobia of sick." She laughed.

Her laugh didn't last long though because she made a dash for the bathroom.

I followed her and held her hair back with the hand that wasn't holding Ebony.

We went back down stairs after and I lay Ebony on the ground and sat beside her as she attempted to roll a round, Parisa sat on the sofa flicking through the TV channels deciding what to watch.

Christmas Eve Eve
I'm flying to New York tonight and I'm so excited to be spending Christmas there and with my best friends and my second family but most Importantly my dad who I haven't see in ages.

So I have a question for you guys, nothing to do with Christmas tho. It about my story.

Obviously now Charisa have two kids. But I seem to focus a lot on Brooklyn because I find it hard to write stuff on Ebony because I feel like I've created Brooklyn. She's my own character I've wrote about her since she was born. But with Ebony it's different I include Brooklyn too, it's like not on her own. Anyway the point of this is to ask you all......

Do you find I write a lot more on Brooklyn?
Which of the girls do you prefer Brooklyn or Ebony?

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