Chance for a shoutout!

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Hey guys!

So I have a few things to ask!

1. Charisa baby gender!

I literally have no idea what gender to make the next Charisa baby. Obviously they've had a girl and Metsy have had a boy so I really don't know what they should have. So I need your ideas on that!

2. Charisa baby name!

Okay, so this is a easy ask I just need you guys to comment some names, along with what gender you want! Please comment names of both genders and lots of names,

3. Need ideas,

After the Charisa baby I really don't have an other ideas on what to do next. Like it will all just be filter chapters which I know people get sick of, so I need like big events and that, to do with Metsy and Charisa plus the kids.

So ate really it, I really really really need you guys to help me out here! Shoutout son next chapter for one who have gave me ideas, names and gender suggestions!

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