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Betsy's POV

I was woken to the sound of two little feet stomping down the hall.

The bedroom door opened and Brooklyn jumped on the bed beside us.

"Morning Brooky" I said.

"Morning Aunty Betsy" she said

I looked at Mikey who was trying to ignore the noise and sleep.

"Uncle Mikey!!" Brooklyn shouted.

"Morning" he grunted and rolled over.

"Why you up so early." He asked, the looking at his phone. "Oh your not, it's 10am." He said.

"I'm hungry" she moaned. "Can I get a waffle?" She really did love waffles

"Of course, let's go get you one" I said,

I got up and picked Brooklyn up and we went downstairs and got waffles. Mikey followed.

I drowned me and Mikey's waffles in syrup and asked Brooklyn if she wanted syrup.

"What does it taste like." She said.

"Try some of mine" Mikey Broke a little off of his for her to try,

"Yum" she said. And nodded for me to put syrup on her waffle.
We ate in the living room watching some of Brooklyn's TV shows.

Then took her upstairs to get her ready. And me and Mikey got ourselves ready,

"Do you want you hair done?" I asked her.

She nodded and I sat down and she sat in front of Me.

I brushed her messy long brown hair and started braiding it, into two tight Dutch braids. Similar to what P does to it.

"What we doing today?" She asked.

"Why don't we go to the park." Mikey suggested.

"Can we go on the swings?" She asked.

"Of course" I said.

We got our coats, since the weather is cold here. Unlike Barbados where P and C are getting 38*C.

I took Mikey's hand and Brooklyn took my other hand as we walked to the park. Which was a short walk from our house.

"Swings" she yelled running over to them.

Mikey lifted her into the swing and started pushing her.

I sat on a bench beside them. I couldn't stand to long, I got too tired.

After the swings she went to the pirate ship which was like all paths and stairs leading to slides.

She got half way to the top then tripped falling down a few stairs.

She started crying as Mikey raced up the stairs to get he,  lifting her up and bringing her back down to the bottom. And over to the bench I was sitting on.

"What hurts?" I asked her as she sat down on Mikey's lap.

"My knee and arm" she said.

Right enough she had cut her knee and he arms had a little scratch on it.

The blood from her knee ran down her leg.

"Let's see what I have" I said and opened my bag.

I took out a small packet of wipes and wiped her knew and arm.

Then I found a band aid for her knee. 

"There you go all better" I said.

She jumped up and went back to the slides.

Most kids her age would never go on it again after felling but Brooklyn no, she go on and on no matter how much she fell. Reminds me of Parisa.

After the park we went a got sweeties from a sweet shop then walked home.

"Can we call Mummy and Daddy" she asked once we had took our coats and shoes off and all sat on the sofa.

"Sure" I said,

I took my phone out and hit FaceTime and face timed P. But she didn't answer,

I tried again and again but then thought to FaceTime Charlie's phone.

Which picked up after 2 times of calling it.

"Hey" Charlie said.

"Too you's long enough to answer" I said.

"We didn't hear it" Charlie was a bad liar.

"Of course you didn't." I laughed.

Charlie's hair was standing up in all directions, Parisa's hair was a mess too. Charlie had lipgloss on his face and P had love bits all down her neck. I hate to think what they were doing, but I think we all know.

Our conversation lasted a little longer then we said goodbye.

We spent the rest of the day watching movies.

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