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So I changed all the chapters names so it's just numbers because I find that easy to write with because then I don't have to have a chapter name and I can just write.

Parisa's POV

The house was chaos there was too many of us. Me and Charlie had discussed moving out and getting our own place. Which we now think we're gonna do.

We had no idea what room Ebony was gonna have when she was older. Brooklyn was 3 and a half now, Luke was almost 1 and Ebony had just turned a month old, they all needed a little space.

I sat on the sofa in the living room on my laptop looking at houses near by for sale.

Charlie walked in Ebony in his arms and Brooklyn following.

"If I trip over one more toy" he said kicking a load of building blocks out his way. "I'm gonna go mental."

I took Ebony from him and lay her in the Moses basket. Brooklyn went and played with the her dolls house and Charlie sat beside me.

"House hunting again" he said and I nodded.

" I found this one that looked alright" I scrolled up the screen. It was a new built three bedroom house. That looked perfect for us.

We looked at the pictures and it looked really nice.

"Can we book a viewing?" Charlie asked.

"I'll have a look" I replied and I found where you could book viewings to see the house.

"This afternoon?" I asked him and he nodded.

"Mummy, Daddy, the arm fell off my little person" Brooklyn said walking over to us. Holding up her wooden doll that had no arm.

"Where's the arm?" I asked her.

"Here" she held up a tiny wooden arm.

"Give it to daddy and he can go see if he can find Aunty Betsy's nail glue and fix it for you" I said,

Charlie took the doll and went hunting to find Betsy's nail glue that she puts false nails on with.

I looked into the house and it was very nice. Just what i wanted, I was having some peace and quiet with Brooklyn playing with her dolls house and leaving me alone for a bit, but as soon as Ebony was awake that was all shattered.

She screamed and screamed, i checked the time and she wasn't due to have a bottle for another hour,

"Here you go Brooky" Charlie said passing Brooklyn a doll that was now fixed.

I paced up and down the room trying to get Ebony to be quiet . I tried giving her a bottle  even though she wasn't due one but she didn't take it. Charlie looked up at me from the sofa, that he was sitting on with Brooklyn watching TV.

"You want me to try?" He asked.

"Please," I handed him Ebony

He didn't even stand up. He just held her against his chest and she slowly stopped crying.

He turned her around so she now lay in his arms looking around at everything.she was awake but she lay still in his arms.

"What's times the viewing?" He asked.

"3pm" I replied.

I checked time, 12pm we had three hours before we had to go.

"I'm hungry" Brooklyn moaned.

"Why don't we go down town and get lunch in a cafe then we can go to the park then we car go see the house?" I suggested.

"Sounds good to me" Charlie agreed.

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