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Parisa's POV

It had been two weeks since Ebony was born and we were now home. Me and Charlie had been discussing getting a bigger house because it was a little chaos, with 4 immature adults and 3 kids. But we didn't know yet.

"Mummy" Brooklyn said walking into our room, her closes sorta on her and he hair a mess.

"Yeah sweetie?" I replied doing Ebony's baby grow up.

"Can you do my hair?" She asked sitting on the unmade bed.

"I will just give me one minute till I get Ebony sorted" I said. "Did you dress yourself this morning?" I continued.

"daddy picked my clothes but I put them on by myself." She said proud of her achievement.

"We can tell," I replied looking at her clothes, they didn't match, she had odd socks on and her top was on inside out.

"Let's fix you Brooky" I said playing A sleeping Ebony in the Moses basket and gearing Brooklyn dressed, properly.

Charlie walked in with just a towel around his waist. "Hey" he smiled.

"Daddy! You picked to different socks!" Brooklyn told him.

"Well sorry, but they all looked the same." He said getting clothes and pulling on a pair of boxer below his towel.

He put a pair of joggers on and left his t-shirt off and went and reached for the hair drier.

"Don't!" I yelled and he turned around.

"Ebony's just asleep please don't wake her" I said.

He nodded and left his hair wet and flat.

I went downstairs taking both my girls with me and left Charlie drying his hair now that Ebony was awake.

Betsy sat with Luke doing some sort of jigsaw with him as Mikey sat watching the football.

"Hello, took you's awhile to get yourselves ready" Betsy laughed.

I didn't get to reply because no one could possibility here a word over Ebony screaming.

"I don't like the notice." Brooklyn yelled over her.

"It's something you'll get used too" I laughed and took my screaming daughter into the kitchen getting her a bottle.

Me and Betsy washed up as we let the boys entertain the kids.

"How you coping with another child?" She asked as she passed me a wet plate to dry,

"It's hard but we get there" I replied.

"I didn't really think you's would have another kid to be honest. I though Brooklyn was enough for you" Betsy said.

"So did I. But Ebony wasn't exactly planned, neither was Brooklyn actually" I started, "but I don't regret it at all"

We carried on talking about things doing the washing up. Then Brooklyn came in.

"Mummy, I've got nothing to do" she said,

"Why don't you go watch some TV" I suggested.

"Daddy and Uncle Mikey are watching it" she said.

"Are they now, they're meant to be entertaining you" I said washing soap of my hand.

"They've left me and Luke doing what ever we want and Ebony is sleeping" she said,

"Have they now?" I asked.

"Come on, will I get them to do something fun with you and Luke" I said And she nodded.

I picked her up and walked Into the living room.

Luke was sat on the floor with a few building blocks. Ebony was lay on Charlie, sound asleep and the boys were sprawled across the sofas watching the TV.

"Right, Charlie George and Mikey Bromley!" I yelled at them and they turned and looked at me. I grabbed the remote and switched the TV off. "You's are meant to be entraining the kids well me and Betsy do house work. Not leaving them to entertain themselves. Move your butts of the sofa and play with your kids" they soon moved and started playing with them.

I stood by the washing machine sorting out colours as I heard Charlie call my name ove load cried,

"Parisa! Can you make Ebony a bottle up?" He asked.

"Do you really want me to do everything?" I asked walking into the living room.

"Well I'm balancing her and helping Brooklyn with a drawing." He said. "You can at least do something" that's when I snapped.

"At least do something?? Charlie I've not slept for two weeks straight, I've done everything, dress two kids, change nappies, make meals, wash clothes, clean dishes, food shop!! What have you done? You've done nothing!! Oh well maybe the odd change of a nappy or the odd feed Ebony but that's it! I've done everything and your saying to at least do something!!" I yelled And everyone turned around.

"I'll get Ebony a bottle and feed her it," Betsy said taking Ebony from Charlie.

"I dressed Brooklyn this morning" he stated.

"Odd socks, jumper inside out. Not much use!!" I'm sick of doing everything in this family. You can't even entertain kids for a few hours well I do house work! I've not had one minute to myself recently" my temper was raging, and tears rolled down my cheeks.

"What's wrong Mummy and daddy?" Brooklyn asked.

"Shh Brooky. Let mummy and Daddy work this out. You come with me babe and you can help Luke do his jigsaw" Mikey said pushing us out the living room closing the door.

"Look there looking after our kids for us because we can't even managed! This is ridiculous! Would you like to be a proper Father!" I yelled through tears.

I watched as tears filled his eyes but he fought them back. "Look Parisa, I'm sorry I'll try be a better parent but please just...." I cut him off.

"A better parent! That's all! What about a better help and a better husband?" I yelled.

"Do you know what Charlie we obviously can't do this. We're done" I continued to shout. I reached down to my ring finger and took my wedding ring off and threw it at him stomping upstairs.

What had I just done......

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