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Parisa's POV

Tonight was the album party for our second album.

We were so excited, some fans that had won tickets were coming, special guest artists, friends, family, and tones more people. We were so excited.

Our parents had taken the kids, so we had a night to ourselves.

"Baby, are you nearly ready? The cabs gonna be here in 10 minutes" Charlie poked his head around our bedroom door as I out my earrings in.

"Yep" I said and put the back on my earring and slipping into my heals.

Even in my heals I want the same height as Charlie.

I checked my make up quickly in the mirror then we heard taxi.

We went and got Betsy and Mikey then we all went to the event.

It was so crowded.

We got pictures with fans and snapchatted half the night.

We were all so drunk now and really us and about ten other people were left their.

"We should go home," Betsy staggered towards us, and grabbed a hold of Mikey's arm which kept her up right, really Mikey was drunk, but nowhere near as drunk as the rest of us.

"I think that would be a great idea" Mikey said and laughed at the state of Betsy, and steadied her on her feet.

We nodded in agreement and called a taxi.

It dropped me and Charlie off first and we finally after about 10 minutes of fiddling out we the key got into out house,

I slipped my heals that were killing my feet off at the door and went to climb the stairs but Charlie swiped me of my feet and carried me to our room.

He lay me on the bed and undid the zip on the back of my dressed and took it of me. I started to unbutton his shirt Buttons.

We undressed one another pretty quickly and then the fun started.

He tilted my neck back and started sucking, leaving marks of territory.

Soon he had moved and he lined himself up with me.

He thrust and I screamed his name.

"Faster" I moaned and he picked up the pace.

"Charlie," I yelled, "I'm gonna" he knew what I meant and removed himself from me.

He inserted a few more times but then we gave up when we reached our climax and rolled over facing each other.

"I love you," he said.

"I love you," I copied.

We curled up and fell asleep in each other's arms.

Another little chapter, I really struggling for ideas so any ideas will be helpful.

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