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Parisa's POV

I paced up and down the room, getting Ebony to sleep when I heard Brooklyn shout, "mummy" she yelled.

I placed a sleeping Ebony into her cot and went threw to Brooklyn's room. She had been sick all over herself and her bed.

"I don't feel well." She moaned.

"I guessed" I said.

"Charlie" I shouted.

He came Into the room and saw Brooklyn had been sick everywhere.

"You wanna get her clean sheets and pjs and I out her in the shower quickly." I said to him and he nodded knowing he had no choice in the matter.

I took Brooklyn threw to he bathroom and room her sick covered Pjs off her and turned the shower on.

"Mummy, can i get medicine, my tummy hurts" Brooklyn said to be as I watched the sick out her hair.

"Once you get out the shower, we'll get you medicine." I told her handed her a sponge, with shower gel on it.

She came out the showed and I wrapped her up in a towel and took her back through to her room.

"I'm really cold" she moaned as I dried her.

I felt her forehead, she was burning up. "Charlie, can you get me her medicine" I shouted down the stairs to Charlie.

She took the medicine without any bother. She was so tired she looked like she was just gonna fall asleep standing up.

"If you feel like you're gonna be sick during the night, you take the Bucky and shout on me or Daddy" I told her as I placed a bucket on her bedside table.

But I could just tell as she didn't reply she was gonna throw up. I reached for the bucket and placed it before her. And I was right, she threw up everything.

"Charlie, can you clean the bucket and get her another one please" I asked Charlie who stood at one end of her bed.

He got her another bucket and cleaned the other one.

"Goodnight babe" he kissed her head and then I did.

I knew this wasn't gonna be a peaceful night.

I went to check on Ebony before I went threw to my room and she was awake, and had threw up as well.

"Charlie" I yelled.

"What is it babe" he peaked his head around the door.

"Ebony's sick too" I moaned

"I'm guessing we're getting the sickness bug too" he laughed.

We got Ebony cleaned up and Charlie moved her cot into our room for the night. 

"We're not getting much sleep are we?" He laughed. And I shock my head,

We sat in bed cuddled together for a bit just on our phones until we started falling asleep.

We were soon woken though by Brooklyn, "Mummy, Daddy" she shouted.

"I'll get her" Charlie said.

Charlie's POV

I walked into Brooklyn room. She sat up on her bed her bucket on her lap.

She actually looked so sick now. I sat beside her as she spewed her guts out.

"I don't feel well Daddy" she fell back onto me.

"Come on, let's get you more medicine and another bucket." I said and picked her up and took her bucket in the other hand.

I got her medicine and got her another bucket.

She walked slowly up stairs, me behind her.

She opened the door to her room but I took her hand and guided her into our room.

I figured instead of having to get up every while , I would be easier if she was just in with us.

Parisa looked up at me from the bed as we walked in, she was sitting Ebony in her arms.
I saw changed clothes on the baby and Parisa looked at me as too say "this is a fun night"

It's typical that they both have got sick at the same time.

She handed me a now sleeping Ebony to put in the cot so she didn't have to get up again as Brooklyn climber Into our bed.

"You can go at the outside missy. So you can get your bucket" I lifted her up so she could lie on one side of me and not in the middle of the bed.

She was asleep in minutes, but half an hour later I heard her reaching for the bucket.

I sat up sleepily and held the bucket in front  of her and held her hair out the way.

After she fo shied I got up and cleaned the bucket and gave her the clean one back.

It wasn't long before Parisa had got up to get Ebony. We had made a deal, she gets  Ebony and I get Brooklyn.

By the time the morning finally came me and Parisa had probably had about 3 hours sleep all together.

Brooklyn was still sick and Ebony wasn't as bad.

I carried Brooklyn downstairs and lay her on the sofa her buckets beside her. And her blankets over her.

"Daddy, can you put Peppa pig on please?" She asked, she sounded so sick

I turned the TV on and changed the channel so it was Peppa pig.

The whole day was spent on the sofa for Brooklyn with me and Parisa running after her, getting her things, she was almost like a little princess. Well I suppose she was our little princess.

I seriously need ideas guys💕 but that was just a quick kinda chapter for you all!

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