Chapter 16 : Suriya has a Mate

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Chapter 16 Suriya has a Mate

Val’s p.o.v

Yup everything sucks now in my life. Suriya found his mate who happens to be from India. It seems that he went for a Vacation to India where his grandparents are and he found his mate there. Cute story and really sweet mate but I really don’t want to go there. I know this day would come and judging with Suriya he is one of those guys who is waiting to find his Mate and I am really happy for him but I guess jealousy over rule me or worse the part of seeing everyone is mated or be coupled with someone and I was all alone.

 Suriya fetch me back home and I waved bye to Suriya and went back to my house. I saw Abigail was there seating on the couch boy she is in pain and beside her was Blake massaging her legs and Rain giving her coconut rose water . While John was helping my mum and Dad to cook Dinner.

‘’Hey, you’re late’’ John said looking at me, 

‘’ Yeah, I have already informed mum that I will be late.. Meeting Suriya and his mate and so on’’ I told nodding,

‘’ Suriya, you mean the Bollywood guy you dated Suriya’’ Rain asked which let everyones eyes on me with pity, happy and pain looks at me

‘’ Yup,’’ I told with a Big P and went to the Kitchen to get the Frozen Chocolate strawberry which I  made. That is the only food that I can cook which is to melt the white chocolate in one bowl and the sugery chocolate icing on the other and dug the strawberries on it and put it in the Freezer and by the time it is frozen

whale bonepetit your very own delicious frozen chocolate strawberry is ready. I did it for Abigail, I know she likes this and this is the least I can do for her since i've been out through out her whole pregnacy.

‘’ I’m sorry Val’’ John started

‘’ I am sure, that the stars have fixed you the right person’’ Blake told while I place the Strawberry Chocolate near Abigail.

‘’ Thanks Babe’’ Abigail told rubbing her huge belly softly sighing and siling.

 ‘’ Dinners ready you guys’’ Dad called looking at us

‘’ Blake... I want to go to my room’’ Abigail stated looking at Blake

‘’ Abby, you need to eat ‘’ Blake told her

‘’ Please, Blake...I want to sleep for awhile ’’ Abigail told and started to get up, Blake carries her Bridal style which made her to giglle softly.

‘’ Okay... come lets get you to bed’’ Blake told kissing Abigails head while Abigail waves bye to us.

‘’ You, sure you Okay Abby.. You want Ice-cream or milkshake or something’’ My dad asked while Blake stopped looking at Dad half way through the stairs carrying her.

‘’ No, Dad... I just want to lay down for awhile’’ Abigail told looking at Dad

‘’ okay,  Abs.. Call us if you need anything’’ Dad stated while Blake walks upstairs to Abigails room

‘’ Dad, I am not hungry.. I just ate Dinner with Suriya and Natasha in Indian Palace.. So I’m kinda full’’ I told honestly Indian cuisines are one of my favorites and Suriya took me to one of his own Uncles Restaurant and the food were incredibly amazing.

‘’ You sure, honey... ‘’ My mum asked looking worried

‘’ Yeah.... I am sure.. I just want to go to bed early ‘’ I told looking at my parents when my mum nods with the Approval I walked upstairs only to be stopped by Blake who walked out from Abigails Door to go down and Join the rest.

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