Surprises Come With Decisions

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Chapter Thirty Four:

Claire's POV

Wanna come to the studio to help me with something?

I raised a curious eyebrow as I stared at the text from Addie.. This was weird. But I replied back anyway.

Okay.. Any reason why?

She replied back right away..

Hey now! I just need some help with Marina..

Marina Gasolina was one of our competition dances, it was sorta African-ish. Very fast and tiring..

*Sigh* Okie dokie. I'll be there in a minute.

It was a Sunday afternoon and I was back at home just relaxing. I had called everyone about me getting a ticket to Vegas, and they couldn't be any happier for me. Especially my parents. Taylor and I had spent the rest of Tuesday together in LA before he drove me to the airport the next morning. We had another heart felt goodbye, but he said that he would visit soon.

I shut off Bee as I parked right in front of the studio, and climbed out, slipping my lanyard into my sweats pocket. I then made my way up to the front door, though seeing no one in either of the studios.. Odd. I walked through into Ms. Deborah's side, and...


"Holy crap!" I laughed, almost falling down on my butt as I looked around at all my friends, family, and even Taylor was there. Sooner than I thought.

"Congrats Claire Bear! We love you!" A big circle was suddenly formed around me, full of my friends.

"Oh my gosh... wow, thanks guys.." My cheeks were starting to get warm as I hugged each and every one of them. I suddenly got caught in Taylors eyes, though he was across the room. I squirmed out of the circle and skipped up to the man wearing a leather jacket.

"Hey beautiful." He smiled widely at me.

"Hello handsome.." I giggled. He took my hands tightly in his, kissing on of them. "Hey so, why didn't you tell me about this?"

"Cause it was a surprise silly."

"I knew that, but still." I shook my head, smiling. Taylor could always place a rightful smile on my face.

Cosmic Love by Florence + the Machine began playing, soothing my thoughts immediately. I was about to reach up on my toes to lay a small kiss on his nose but Ms. Deb's voice interrupted me doing so.

"Miss Claire! Why don't you do your solo for us?" Her warm, generous smile shone on me.

I suddenly grew embarrassed and sorta lazy. I didn't want to dance, but of course Taylor gave me a little push from behind and I eventually stretched a little and performed it for them in the other studio room.

The party lasted for about another hour and then people started leaving. We said our goodbyes, thank you's and everything, and Taylor and I drove back to my house to hang out for a bit. We managed to stay safe while being on the road, though sneaking in a couple speed ups here and there. It was funny because I totally knew I could take him on... 

"I'm hungry.." Taylor pouted as we laid on the cool leather couch.

"You're always hungry." I placed my finger on his nose.

"No, that's Jacob your thinking of." He grinned.

"Still, you guys are sorta alike."

"Except for the fact that I get the girl that I love."

"True that." I laughed. "So what would you like me to make you Sir?" I rolled off the couch gracefully and helped him up.

"Mmm, I'm not sure." His arms wrapped around my waist as we walked into the kitchen. He opened the fridge from behind me and I checked to see if my Mom had gone shopping recently.

"Ooo, I see lunch meat.." His voice sounding goofy. I looked up at him and shook my head, though his stomach growled enormously, making both of us laugh so hard.

"I gotta feed you soon before that," I poked my finger to his hard abs, "comes alive and eats us all."

I then grabbed some cut ham, cheddar cheese, turkey, mayo, spicy mustard, banana peppers, and such. Placing those on the island and going around to grab the sourdough bread from the top of the microwave.

"Here. That should be enough." I chuckled, getting out a couple plates for us.

"Alrighty. Let's begin." He clapped his hands together and began putting together his sandwich, as I did the same.

We ate our lovely lunch outside on the kitchen porch because it was still a nice day out.

"What do you want for your birthday Claire?" Taylor asked setting his empty plate aside.

"To be with you." I smiled, setting my plate on the ground next to me and scooting into his lap.

"For reals though, what do you really want for your 19th birthday.."

This time I really thought. Really thinking of what I yearned to have everyday, what I needed. It then suddenly popped into my head, it was perfect but I wasn't sure if it was right. I knew we hated being apart from each other, having to drive six hours each way just to see one another... What if..

"I move in with you." I turned my head to the side, staring into his wondering eyes.

"I was just thinking the same thing." His arms instantly got a little tighter around me.

"How bout it?" I raised an eyebrow.

"What about your parents? Your family and friends? Here?" He then fired a bunch of questions; hard questions at me. I would be leaving my one and only hometown. This cowtown was my home. It held so many memories, but... Taylor was my other half to being me. I knew college was coming up soon and I would have to leave eventually, but I also knew that I would always come back and visit... As much as I possibly could.

I closed my eyes feeling deep in thought, Taylor got a hold of one of my hands and started stroking it gently. He was always good at making me feel better with difficult situations.. Though this one was probably one of my toughest decisions yet.


Hello :)

Thank you so much for reading this! And commenting, voting, adding, fanning :) I love it! Anyways, there are only two more chapters left to this "Half" of the story... The rest will mostly be based around their relationship in Los Angeles and such. On another site ( I have the second half as a sequel called, "Life in LA". Though for this, I think I'll just keep it all in the same story(: So it'll be easier for all of us, haha. 

Love ya, and keep commenting! I love to hear feedback from you!

Claire xoxox

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