Just A Dream?

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Chapter Twenty Nine: 

Claire's POV

My fingers grasped onto the unusual texture under me. It felt somewhat familiar, almost like carpet. Wait. I'd know this anywhere. I opened my tightly shut eyes only to see myselfs reflection in the sliding closet doors mirror. I knew where I was. But why was I here?

I looked at myself more closely, as seeing that I was in my sweats and a baggy T-shirt. What I had worn to bed last...

I gasped aloud and stood up slowly, looking around my Nana's bedroom to see if anyone was in the room with me. Though I saw no one, my cat, Abby, scurried past me without even noticing that I was in her presence. I continued to watch her as she leaped up onto the bathroom counter and began eating out of her little bowl.

Confused by what was going on and what the point of this dream was, I closed my eyes again and tried to concentrate on my other senses. My ears immediately picked up chattering coming from the main room.. My wide eyes shot open, feeling my heart beat accelerate, I pushed my legs forward and out the door.

Soon my nose inhaled a large warm scent of fresh food. I set foot on the cold tile floor, taking a few more sniffs.

Ham? Apple pie?

I knew that we always had ham on... Christmas. Okay, so I figured out that this was Christmas day at my Nana's house, but why? More importantly, what year was it.

I moved further and further through the warm home, until I laid my eyes on my mother cooking beside Nana in the kitchen. She looked in my direction for a split second, and my hand raised up to wave instinctively. Though her expression was as if no one was even there. My eyebrows pushed down into a line as I thought.

She didn't look any older, no offense. And neither did Nana. That really got me worried in a weird way. I don't know, but I felt sorta sick to my stomach.

I continued through the kitchen swiftly and poked my head through the door leading into the living room slash dining room. Where I saw my family all around the beautifully decorated Christmas tree, presents in hands, laughing and smiling. I smiled to myself to see everyone enjoying themselves, till I caught myself smiling with my boyfriend. Tears flew straight to my eyes as I watched us sitting together on the couch; his arm around my shoulder and his other hand on my belly.

No. I can't be... What flipping year is this.. I rushed out of the room and back to the kitchen where the calender has always been hung in its same spot, and read the four numbers that were printed on top. I think my heart just stuttered to a halt.

December 2010

This was only a few months away.

"No!" I screamed, the stinging tears rushing their way out and down my cheeks. I ran back through the room, my relatives passing through me like I was a ghost. I knelt down in front of my future self and Taylor, reaching out one of my shaking hands towards the bulge of my stomach. My hand was just inches away from laying it on the peak before I let my strength go, as my hand was soon back on the floor with a thud.

I couldn't touch anything. Anybody. Not even myself.

I cried hysterically more as I kept trying to lay my own palm on the stomach, though ending up watching it fall through like wind each time.

I sat back, sniffling, watching Taylor whisper something into my ear which I guess was funny cause I laughed, having my belly shake in response. He leaned over my stomach, laying his ear right on top and listened. I couldn't stop myself from smiling at this picture, though I knew it wasn't what we wanted.. Yet anyways. I turned my head around seeing everyone else opening presents and having fun, like me being pregnant was nothing anymore. It was all in the past. But I was nineteen!

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