Chapter 37 The Book

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I think it's time...

T-Time for what, I don't know if it's morning or night sense the whole place is fudging dark as hell with your annoying ass!

Ok I can be annoying but you've only been with me for a day so you can shut up...

Ugh...Its been the worse day of my lifeeeeeeeee.....

Your such a brat Abby...

Wow! You actually know my name im so surpised!?

God damn I shouldn't have signed up for this god damn job. ...

This is a job now! My god, maybe I'll go join you!


I wake up. I'm in my bed, but when did I get here. I look around the room. Where's cody?
"Cody!" I yell. I get out of my bed and head towards the door. It opens and I run towards the stairs. As soon as I put my foot on the first step of the stairs I feel someone's hand touch my shoulder.
"Your looking for Cody?" Someone says. I don't know them. Super dark brown hair and shredded clothes. He's not infected at least which is good.
"Do I know you?" I ask.
"No, but you know Cody..."
"So what if I do but who are you?"
"Alex, an old friend of his..." He gives a evil grin while sticking his hand out. What's with his clothes is it a new style or something cause I've never seen a boy wear clothes like that. Pants I understand but shirt no...
"A-Abby his girlfriend...." I say shaking his hand. He tugs me forward and crushes his lips against mine. I feel his tongue creep into my mouth. I push him away as I recover my breath.
"You taste good..." He licks lips as he stares at me.
"Sh-Shut up!"I run up the stairs before he try's something. Even thought I don't want to try it, I rather have Cody do it then anyone else in this hell hole. I reach the top of the stairs and see everyone talking about something. Ada see me and runs at me full speed.
"ABBYS!!! Your ok!!!" She yells embracing me. I'll wait till she backs away to ask her.
"Ya? I'm ok? Anyways wheres Cody?" Ada smile becomes a frown and looks away from me. "W-what, what happen to him!" She leads me outside to a tree with someone tied to it. Cody... I feel my heart break and tears roll down my cheeks like bowling balls down a bowling lane. I can't breath anymore...I think I've forgot HOW to breath. His bloodshot eyes say it all.
"Starla? Aren't you dead!?" He says. H-He thinks I'm-I'm Starla. I stumble to the ground as I look at Cody. The more I look the more I'm shredded to pieces. The more he glares at me the more spears go through me. I-I can't take it anymore. I quickly try and run to Cody. Ada grabs both my arms and says...
"You can't get close to him..."
"LET ME GO!" I yell at her.
"No Abby I can't..."
"LET ME GO Try talking to him..." I collapse on the ground and sob. Ada keeps holding me from my arms. "NO!!! CODY!!!" I keep yelling. I can't think straight anymore. My whole heart is scattered and I'll never find all the pieces to restore it. My whole world is stopping and I can't help it move anymore. So this is how it goes huh...if we don't find a cure to this infection...I'll lose Cody....this world just wants to see me burn the ground or shatter into pieces. I finally stop screaming and trying. I put my head to the ground and cry. My tears hit the ground and clouds roll in.
The raindrops bouncing off the places they land on. If I was a raindrop I would never met the ground.
"Abby we have to go inside, Now!" Ada says tugging me up to my feet.
"NO I CANT LEAVE CODY IN THE RAIN!" I yell. As soon as I reach my feet Ada quickly moves her arms to my waist and picks me off my feet.
"We have to he's already infected..." She starts to walk back to the door but slowly. I try and pry myself out of Ada's arms but it's no use. I scream for her to let go but she won't listen. I stop screaming and I look at Cody one last time. He stares back at me
"A-Abby..."I hear Cody say looking away. Does he now know it's me? Could he be coming back? No, that's impossible...Cody's gone, till someone find a cure. We enter the building and Ada locks the door. She puts me down but doesn't move from the door. I move away from her and look at the floor. Hitting the wall in back of me I sit down burying my face in my legs. Now Cody's gone and I feel like a dog with no home. I close my eyes. I have to think calmly like when Cody toke me to that place in the compound. Ya...that place....

End of Chapter 37....

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