Chapter 16 Party

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Hey guys I got ideas from a few of my friends and thought out a good way to start this whole week abbys in. Sorry that I haven't been posting but still im back. Anywhales lets start this day abbys in out and hope nothing bad happens!
I wake up in my bed this time. I sit up while yawning. I get out of bed and got dressed. I put on my vest and sweater shirt with my blue jeans. I stared at my book that was sitting on my dresser. I wonder what the rest of starlet goes. Gah! What am I thinking I better get going. I opened my door to the darkish hallway again. I start to fiddle with my hands while I walked down the hallway. I can see a big group of people gathering around in the big room. I saw Cody before he disappeared into the crowd. I try and chase after him but there's to many people here to find anyone. Soon I find the middle. All the boys were there, Chris, Gwen, Buck...Cody. Chris saw me and ran towards me with arms wide.
"Hey Abby your here before we leave!" He said carring me. Cody came over where we were and he looked a bit jealous.
"Hey Abby didn't think I would see you here." Cody said. Chris put me down from our long embrace. Gwen came over as well with a big smile on his face.
"Abby I've been needing to tell you about the story." Gwen said with my hands in his. I looked at Cody who looked pretty pissed off.
"Right..." I said nervously.
"You missed so much in my book!" Gwen said. He started talking about this and that. It wasn't the best conversation I ever had but everytime I looked over my shoulder I can tell Cody was super jealous! After about five minutes of lecture about one book I didn't think I'll ever feel the same again. I finally looked at Cody who was literally wanting to talk to me the whole time. I smiled at him before he just dead there. He seemed pretty angry at me for ignoring him the whole time. I put my hands on his face and stand on my tiptoes. I kiss him gently. When I looked at him again he was surpised that I did that. Me! I can see a smile emerge on his face.
"You dork..." I say.
"Hey you fell in love with this dork..." He said with a smile. "Oh and umm... Were going on a trip to find some more supply's for all of us. I forgot to tell you yesterday..."
"So this is why everyone is gathering here." I said backing away a bit.
"Ya some are asking to grab things they're going to need others want to tell us to be safe."
"Well isn't that nice."
"Ya it is..." I smiled at him and he smiled back. Cody hugged me and I felt a warm feeling go throught me like water. "I love you..." He said in my ear.
"I-I-I love you too..." I said in his ear. I can feel a smile appear on his face. He kissed my cheek and let me go. I can tell he loved me more than anyone else in the world.
"Hey I'll be back don't worry." He said.
"I know you will." The doors soon open, He waved me goodbye and the doors re-close to the world outside of the compund. I hear someone squealing in back of me. I look back to all the girls in back of me ready to just tackle me.
"I love it!" Ada says squealing.
"Slumber party!" They all yell.
"W-What?" I say nervously.
"Come on all the girls in one place we can talk about the boys and we can learn more about each other. Oh its going to be fun." Rosie said pushing me towards the others. I can tell I'm not getting out of this pickle.
I got my P.J's on and grabbed my pillow. I walked out of my room with Sandra waiting for me.
"Hey Abby ready for the party?" Sandra says putting her arm around me.
"Ya I'm ready lets go." I reply. We walk past the big room and go into a small hallway on the right of it. It was dark in there, Why didn't they put lights in here anyways. Soon I hear a doornob being jiggled then light entered the dark hallway and soon all my friends were there. Rosie kept throwing a pillow at Ada. Ada did the same. When they notice us come in they stop throwing pillows and had big smiles on there faces. The room was two times my room size and the room was a light pink that almost made the room look like candy land.
"Hey theres our noob!" Ada said.
"So the noob finally arrived!" Rosie said.
"Well should we get started?" Sandra said.
"Lets begin!" They all yell. I'm still condused on the idea of this but I'm just going to go with it. I dropped my pillow next to Ada who looked drunk. Her red cheeks and how hysterical her laugh is.
"Ok then what should we do first!" Rosie said.
"Maybe we should just talk about our personal life...If you know what I mean."Ada said. Everyone started laughing but me.
"I don't get it..." I said. Everyone laughed again but at me this time and I still wasn't laughing. I seriously need to upgrade my humor.
"Ok then anyways Sandra you go first." Ada said. "Which one of those two do you like? Buck or Chris?" Sandra became quiet and was as red as an apple. We all couldn't wait to find out who she really likes. It could be Chris I mean He's handsome so why wouldn't fall in love with that. Well to everyone else he is...
"N-N-No I can't tell you!" Sandra said nervously. "Thats private!"
"Come on Sandra, PLEASE!" Rosie begged.
"Ya come on Sandra, We wont tell anyone!" Ada responded
"N-No never you can't make me!" She said. I watched as they tryed to convince her to say who it is. I know exactly who she likes its pretty obvious who it is. The only person who said something super nice to her or at least acted nice.
"Its Chris, isn't it Sandra?" I said softly. Everyone became quite. It bothers me when people randomly become quite out of the blue.
"H-How did you know?" She said.
"Its pretty obvious...He seemed caring when he was close to you."
"Just like how Cody is when he's around you?" I can feel my cheeks start to burn. Everyone starts to laugh. "Can we just change the subject?"
"Sure why not!" Rosie said. "Ada its your turn who do you like?"
"Ugh! Do I have to?"
"Yes Ada you HAVE too."
"Fine, Fine I tell you guys but if say a thing I'll go hunt you down. Ok!"
"Ok!" We all say.
"Ok then, I like..." Ada says with a deep breath. "Gwen..." My mouth hung open when she said that. She, Likes gwen...Is the world ending now! Oh wait it already is sense the infection and stuff.
"Y-You like gwen.." Rosie said cautiously.
"Ya isn't that embarrassing..." Ada said rubbing the back of her neck.
"Well thats make plenty of sense..." Sandra responded.
"Ya it does..." Roise said. Soon we had a pillow fight and then fell asleep. I throw the first pillow... Sandra has a big mouth... I fell asleep like a rock that night. But one thing kepts bugging me. Are they all ok is the question.

End of Chapter 16

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