Chapter 32 Others and Even More Trouble

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I wake up again. Finally it's morning and it's not a dream this time. I yawn and start to Sit up. I feel something touch my stomach and push me back. I hit my pillow and something covers my face. I put my hands on what's on my face and try tugging on whatever's on my face. Something touches my lips and a warmth feeling goes through me. I feel my cheeks burn at the touch. They move back and take there hand off my face. Cody was there again like always.
"Your cute when you blush..." He said with a smile.
"Shut up..." I say looking away. He gets off of the bed and gives me a hand as well.
"I think I know where the others are..." Cody says wrapping his arms around my waist.
"I mean I remember a place close by here that was a safe house if the compound was invaded."
"Oh, Wait how much do you know about the compound?"
"Well technically I lived there...for a while, I was planning on getting out of there before the whole apocalypse happened."
"Hmm...well at least you were thinking of getting out of there..."
"Your so mean..." He unwraps his arms around my waist and grabs my hand. We walk out the room and into the living room. He lets go of my hand and runs to the window. He starts to check the side of the house then opens the front door. "Come on its clear." He says. I slowly approach the door and look around. Phew nothing in sight. He runs to the corner of the house and I follow. As soon as I turn the corner I see a garage. It's one of those garages that you have to open by the front. Cody grabs the bottom of the door and pry's its open. A red mustang was reviled.
"Wow..."I said flabbergasted.
"I know it reminds me of you just your way more beautiful..." Cody says staring at me. I feel my cheeks start to burn.
"Umm...Right we should get going..."
"Ya we need to get to the safe house!" He starts to search for keys. I walk close to the car and look inside of it.
"How did you know there was a car here?"
"While you were sleeping which your adorable when you are sleeping I went out of the house and went looking for something that would help us get to the safe house faster." Me? Adorable! Ha, he's lying!
"Anyways have you..."I open the car door. "Checked inside?" He gets close to the car door and try's to open the door.
"H-How? I still can't open the door!"
"You..." I sigh and open the door to the driver seat. He climbs in and see the keys are already in the engine.
"You stink..."
"Well I haven't gotten to take a shower in a while so sorry!!"
"Not that way!!" He face palms himself and turns the engine on. He grabs the stick shift and drives off.
"How far would this safe house be?" I ask
"Few miles from here...Why do you ask?" Cody replies.
"I like the car just the seats feel destroyed under my butt..."
"I don't get it..."
"Ya I don get it, Who says destroyed anyways it's called uncomfortable!!"
"Man sometimes I wonder how that brain works..."
"Oh it's a long story but we have time so the brain works like."
Few miles later
The car stops. "And that's how a brain works!" Cody says opening his door.
"For once I love you ground!!!" I yell as I collapse on the ground as I open the door.
"But your brain would be useless without your body sense..."
"Just shut the hell up!!!" I yell.
"Hm..My work here is done then..." Cody starts to walk away as I get up.
"Gah you have to stop teasing me..."
"Why it's fun plus you look cute when your angry." My cheeks feel warm again...
"Well here it is..." He pushes a few leafs out the way and a big house was there. It's a three story house. It's a light blue house that is pretty much old so the light blue is not so light...
"Ok then let's go." Cody says. He walks towards the door and in front of the house. He rings the door bell two times then one last time, maybe a code to see if anyone was inside. Locks start to go off and the door opens up. Chris was at the door.
"Abby!!" Chris yells embraces me.
"Cody!!" Sandra yells embracing Cody.
"Oh thank goodness you guys are safe!" Sandra says.
"Do you guys have any extra bandages?"
"Oh no what happen!!" Chris says.
"Something, we should go inside and talk about this..." Chris waves us in and we all go through. Chris looks around before coming in and closes the door. It's dark inside and so as soon as he closes the door it's pitch dark. We hear chains moving around and I feel Butterflies in my stomach. The lights switch on and few people were missing or injured, badly or slightly. Ada and Gwen sat in the middle. Gwen's legs are gone but luckily he has bandages on or I would be gaging. Ada is literally in tears. Someone I saw early I think he's name was red was here but Rosie's not here. Everyone else is missing...What happen over there how did that explosion happen!
"Ada..." I say gently.
"Abby..." She gets up and hugs me. Her grip on me starts to tighten.
"Have you seen Rosie!?" Red yells while grabbing Cody's shoulders.
"N-No.." Cody says.
"Gah!! Where is she!!" He starts to Pace and gripping onto his hair. They must really like each other. I look at Cody's a little worried about him. Maybe red already lost his sane after well Rosie never came...
"Umm...What happened to Gwen?" Cody says breaking the silence.
"The explosion..." Ada replies. "Me and Rosie were doing something in the lab we thought we found the cure but it ended up other fail instead of it exploding it became a toxic gas that went thought the whole compound and soon blow up but I don't know what set it off..." We all stare blankly at Ada as she sat there next to Gwen.
"Is there food here still?" Cody asks.
"Ya plenty...But we don't know how long it will take for the creatures to get in..." Me and Cody look at each other then look back at Ada who's still shedding tears.
"Umm..I should show you two where you'll be staying then..." Chris says.
"Ya, ok..." I mumble. We follow Chris down some stairs in the corner of the small room we were just in. The walls are stone but the stairs are wood. We soon reach the bottom and A long hallway could be seen. Chris press a random button next to one of the doors and the door slide open. Chris waves us in.
"So this is it..." I say.
"Ya this is..." Cody says. A few seconds pass and it's completely silent.
"I'll just give you guys some space..." Chris says as the door closes. The room becomes dark. The lights start to flicker and the room is a decent room you usually see. Mid size room with two bed on each side with bed stands, a few lockers in the back of the room, and a bookcase next to the one of the bed stands. I go to the bed that has the book case and plop down onto the bed. I sit crisscross and I look at Cody who's staring at me.
"C-Cody can you stop staring at me please..." Cody shakes his head and looks away from me. I smile. Man he's an idiot sometimes.

So are you...

I smack my cheeks and lay down on the bed. I stare at the ceiling. Great I'm stuck in a whole new place now, just great...
"Abby..." Cody says. I sit back up and look at Cody who's still in the same place.
"Do you think this whole apocalypse will ever end?" He says looking at the ground now. He's eyebrows are all knit together A worried feeling goes through him as well as me.
"It will end Cody ok please don't say stuff like that..."
"Right sorry I just needed to get that out of my system..." Cody says. Maybe he's starting to become red...No, No I don't believe that!! I-I just need some rest...I lay back down in bed and close my eyes. I feel darkness creep around me...I open my eyes slightly and see it. Then I'm already asleep...

End of Chapter 32

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