Chapter 27 Bad Issues

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I wake up again. I look at the clock on my stand. 10:18. Wait...I slept the whole day! I can already think of Cody telling me I'm lazy now. I sit up and look around my room. The window is giving me some type of light I guess before I couldn't see a thing in here when it gets dark. I look to my right to see Cody already asleep. Why do I notice him now? I get up and turn the lights on. He starts to wince and turn over to his stomach and put his arm under the pillow. Oh I remember that pose...
"Abby..." He mumbles. I can feel my cheeks start to burn again. Does he have to dream about me. I grab my book and see a flower stick out of the back of my drawer. I take it out and look at it. Wait isn't this from Bucks flower thing? Man I forgot all about it. I don't know where the rest of the flowers went thought..I think someone came in and grabbed them. I sit back on my bed and lay down. I open my book to the same page I was on before.
(In book)
"Finally you made the cure!" I said. I grab it out of her hand and start to run towards my room. I open my door and then open the window. I sneak through and see a tree. I see a man tied to it. I smile when I see him. He's infected but I don't care. I quickly get close to him and stare at him. He looks angry at me, even thought I feel in love with him he won't remember.
"What do you want you slut..." I feel my heart brake in two as he said that. I know he won't drink this thing if I try and give this thing to him...Wait there is other way...I pour the cure into my mouth and press my lip against his. I force him to drink. I feel drowsy all of a sudden. He starts to struggle to stop me from doing this but then stops. He starts to kiss me back instead of struggle. I stop what am doing and put my head against his shoulder.
"I'm sorry..." I say gently. I collapse onto the floor and start to take deep breaths.
"No! Don't die! Scarlet!" He yells. I feel myself starting to fade. I saved him...I wonder if he'll save me...
(Back to Abby)
Woah...What just happen? A moment ago she was just figuring out she's in love now she just saved his life to find out that it might risk her's ...Strange.
"Abby are you already awake?" Someone says. I look over to my side and see Cody rubbing his eye.
"Y-Ya I'm now awake!" I say slamming my book close.
"Hmm...You shouldn't have fell asleep in the morning..." He says yawning.
"Ya I-I shouldn't have..." Man I feel all guilty all of a sudden. He sits up and looks at me better.
"So your reading your book again?" He ask.
"Y-Ya I am!" Why am I stuttering and somewhat yelling! Am I that nervous! He looks at the rose in my hand.
"Who gave this to you?"
"N-No one..."
"Really? No one?"
"Ya no one, I just found it that's all..."
"Whatever you say." I look away from him so I don't have to look at his dumb face. I feel his hand touch my shoulder and force me back in bed.
"W-What are you doing..." I say nervously.
"Nothing really..." He starts to kiss me just small ones. I feel his hand trim down my sides. His hand touches my skin when he reaches my shirt line.
"Cody s-stop it!" I say pulling down my shirt.
"Then tell me who gave you the flower..."
"F-Fine Buck did give me flowers but when I got them and left them here I didn't know where they went after words...Happy now!" He smiles and lays back down on the bed.
"Very..." He closes his eyes and I think fell asleep.
"Prevent..." I say under my breath. He can really be a jerk sometimes...I feel warm now. I guess being kissed makes me warm inside. Now I want to go to sleep. Man, sometimes even I don't know myself. Maybe...I should....just go to sleep...

I wake up again. I look at my clock again. 10:18 again...oh wait it am instead of pm. I look to my side. Cody's not there oh thank goodness I already am embarrassed of him doing that...
"Knock, knock, Open up!" Someone yelled outside the door.
"Who there?"
"Who else?" I get out of bed and open the door. I see my brother instead of Cody.
"Who are you what have you done with my boy!" I yell.
"Ya,ya anyways did he do anything to you?" He says picking up my arm.
"No, why would he do something?"
"Because he's a boy who's trying to steal my little sister.."
"Your so lame and please don't say 'who else' when I ask who is it. I don't want to mix the both of up..."
"Right? Well come on let's go eat lunch then."
"Ok let me change..." I close the door and quickly change. I just realizes that they both act the same...Oh this is going to be hard... I open the door again and see Anthony still there.
"You ready now?" He says
"Duh!" We both walk down to the cafeteria. We walk in and see the others at there table. We get in line and wait.
"Hey Abby, what's up?" Buck says putting an arm around my brother and I.
"Who is this?" Anthony ask.
"This is buck the annoying one out of all of us..." I say.
"That's not true!" Buck yells." I'm actual the funny one for your information!" I stick out my tongue and catch up with the line. Who else is going to have to meet my brother...
"Abby!!!" Someone yells. I turn around and see Gwen running towards me. "Abby something happen and I don't know if I should say yes or no!!!"
"Who's this?" My brother says putting his hand on Gwen face.
"This is Gwen, he has a certain taste for books..." I say gentle.
"I Can't B-Breath!!!!" Gwen says somewhat choking. I grab Anthony's hand and take it off his face. He starts to gasp for air.
"Anyways! Ada asked me out and I don't know what to say!" Gwen says.
"Wait, What!!!"
"I just told you she asked me out how clear do you want it?"
"Just say yes I mean she likes you a lot!"
"How do I say yes?"
"Just say yes a normal yes..."
"Ok, here I go..." Gwen walks off and I look at Anthony.
"You need better friends..."
"Shut up..." We reach the end of the lunch line.
"Hey where's your lunch?" My brother asks. I look into my hands and see nothing.
"Great I was so worried of them that I forgot my own lunch..." I say gently. Sometimes I wonder if I should have just stayed outside instead.
"Don't worry I got you one!" Suddenly I get picked up.
"Ahh!!!! Put me down!!!" I yell.
"Nope..." I look to see who it is and it's the only person I would think it is. Cody...
"I hate you so much..."
"I love you too." We reach our table and he sets me down in a seat. He plays my tray in front of me and sits down right next to me. "Your welcome..." He says.
"Don't do that again..." I hate being picked up and scares me a lot when I look down. I don't know why but when people pick me up I feel the ground start to push off and it's like we're 30 yards off the ground.
"Whatever..." My brother plops down next to us and he looks angry. "Oh I almost forgot!" Cody gets up and runs into the kitchen. I take a bit out of the sandwich on the tray. Peanut butter, sweet...I look back at the kitchen and see Cody come out with a cooking tray full of chocolate muffins. He gives all our friends one but leaves one for me. He comes to our table and puts the tray down with the last muffin. "Here we go." He says waving the muffin in my face.
"What is that for me?"
"No, it's for me." He takes a big chunk out of it and gives the rest to me.
"You suck!"
"Ya I know but don't worry I have this one right here." He takes out other muffin out of no where and waves it in his face.
"You shouldn't eat that..." My brother says angrily.
"Why not?" I ask.
"Because it's poisonousness."
"From what?"
"My face..." Anthony steals my muffin and eats it.
"Anthony!!! Great now I can't have one..."
"Why didn't you take a bit of it already then?" After you think about it why didn't I take a bit before he toke it?
"I don't know..."

The rest of the day was like any other day...Till a week later..

End of Chapter 27

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