Chapter 10 Cody

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I Couldn't believe it. I kissed Abby. I liked her the whole time but I never was able to get the courage to tell her. She had her head on my chest still, I can feel the warmth from her head on my chest. Her hands were on my chest as well gripping onto my shirt. I told myself I wouldn't fall in love again, But with Abby here I can't help myself. I still remember when I made that promise to myself, I was only 6 at the time. I saw a girl that almost looks like Abby but smaller. I told her that I liked her but she didn't care about that. One day I fell from the playground and sprained my ankle. She was the only one who helped me back up and took me to the nurse. That day I know she just cared about me. Then weeks later she moved and went to private school. I never liked anyone else after that, only to just remembering her face. Overtime I Forgot what she looked like and only a few details came to mind. I tried to brush of that memories and keep brushing her hair down it was really soft and smooth like when you touch fur. I couldn't help myself but to just smile. I can feel her breath on my chest. I wanted to kiss her again but I know she had enough of this.

"I...I think you..." She told me. My cheeks started to burn, I wanted to tell her i liked her too, but my lips felt heavy. She lifted her head from my chest to look at me. Her eyes were a light brown just like her hair. She still wore her white vest thats starting to turn gray. I can see her red cheeks that made her more cuter.

"I...I..." The words I wanted to say wouldn't leave the top of my tongue. They were to heavy to roll off.

"I understand..." She said putting her hands on my face again. She smiled at me instead of frowning. I smiled back at her. I perked my lips to kiss her again, but she stopped me with her finger. I was so close to kissing her again, feeling the warmth of her lips against mine. "I think I had enough Cody..." She told me.

"Ok then..." I replied. " Then I better get going..." I kissed her on cheek one last time before I left to go to my room. "I...I love you..."

"I... Love you too..." She said blushing more then before. I open the door and left the room. She need space from that, so do I. I closed my eyes and started taking deep breaths. Trying not to go back into the room and hug her to death.

"Ohhh!!!" Someone said. I opened my eyes to Sandra with her I know what happened face. She probably was going to talk to Abby but saw, well me kissing her. "So she likes you too!" She said. 

"Umm...Ya I guess she does..." I said edging my finger to my face. 

"I'm going to tell the others!" 

"W...W...Wait!" I grabbed her arm before she started to run. "Can you please not tell anyone. Please!" She smiled at me and made me released her. 

"Fine I won't." She said walking away with a little skip to it. Man what a relief that this won't get viral. Maybe I can live with it for now.

End of Chapter 10

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