Chapter 9 The Jeep.

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We all walked out of the Cafeteria and went to the gym. When we got there I didn't understand why we came here. I noticed a door on the other side of the room that I never saw the last time I came here. We all started walking towards it. The door swings up to a bunch of people working on a car that was really big like bus size big just a little smaller. A girl came up to us with a big smile and saluting Chris. She had blond hair that came up to her shoulders. She had a hair clip to hold her hair back. She wore a scientist outfit and in her pocket were her glasses.
"The jeep is ready to operate now!" She said putting her hand down. "The dents and the scraps have been mended to look like nothing ever happen!"
"Nice job Rosie." Chris told her.
"Wait is this the new kid?" She said looking at me. I was hidden in back of Ada sense I don't bother to try and show my face.
"Ya it is."
"Well then nice to meet I'm Rosie if you don't already know." She said with her hand out.
"I'm Abby..." I said sneaking out from behind Ada. I shook her hand like everyone else I met.
"Well then can we please change the name to it!" Cody said.
"Fine we'll change it!" Ada said.
"What should we name the jeep then?" Chris asked. Everyone became quiet trying to think of a name. I didn't actual care what it was going to be called I don't belong here anyways.
"Hey why not let Abby pick it?" Rosie said. Everyone turned there heads looked at me. I can feel myself starting to blush. I have to think of something quick.
"How about bob?" I said. Cody chuckled everyone tried to hold in there laugh but it came out anyway. Saved myself from that one. Everyone was laughing Sandra fell on the floor turning more red the more she laughed. Chris was literally gasping for air the whole time.
"Thats a good one Abby!" Sandra said laughing. "But i have a good one! How about just jeep!"
"I go with it. At least its not bob!" Chris said still gasping for air. I shrugged with a smirk at his "funny" joke.
"Well then sense thats cleared out shouldn't we get planning?" Cody said.
"Ya good idea lets get going." Ada said. They all walked out expect me and Chris. We waited for everyone to get out of the garage till we said something to each other.
"I can't believe I would see you again!" Chris said embracing me.
"Me neither!" I replied. I remember when me and Chris first met. It was my first time in a public school. My parents couldn't afford private school anymore because they were trying to drain us to only a drop of money was left. I was in fifth grade when I first went to a public school where I went to my first class and my teacher put me right next to him. He befriended me in seconds. I guess he cared a lot about me at that time sense every time I fell or something he help me out and protected me from girls AND boys. After that I know him till eighth grade were I had to go back to a private school again. It was harsh for me to leave my first ever best friend. If i had a choice to stay I would have stayed, But I didn't. Chris Put me down from our long embrace.
"I can't believe you haven't changed one bit!" He said.
"Nor did you!" I told him.
"So this whole time, you've been here!" Chris asked.
"Obviously Chris! Did you just notice this now?"
"What! No! I mean..." Chris started to get red.
"Your still the same like always..." I told him. We both smiled at each other again. We hugged one more time with me actually knowing it.
"We should get going now the others are probably waiting for us." Chris said
"Ok Mr. Independent!"
"Shut up!" We both walked out of the room. We were still smiling from the fact we haven't seen each other in forever!
"Hey guys what happened in there?" Cody randomly appeared from in back of us. He went right in between us and the happy moment.
"Nothing happened in there." Chris said.
"Are you sure? I mean you guys were in there for a long time!" Cody asked. I can see Chris was turning a bit red but with anger.
"Can we change the subject?" I asked
"Whats wrong with subject?" Cody replied.
"Hey I asked a question first!" I told him.
"Ugh! Your such a brat!" He said. I felt my cheeks burn. Cody and Chris started to smile at me which made my cheeks burn more then before. They started to laugh at me which didn't solve my problem. I noticed that Cody and Chris gave each other those I have an idea faces. I couldn't tell what they were planning but what ever it is Chris accepted the idea. They both looked back at me with smirks. I got nervous whats the first step to this plan, I can't tell!
"H...H...Hey whats up?" I said nervously. Cody picked me up and put me over his shoulder. He started to walking faster then chris. "H...Hey! Put me down! Cody! Chris Help me!"
"Have fun little one!" He yelled back. Cody started jog then started running. I started to scream. Cody ran me throught the whole compound and I was screaming the whole time. Its scary to just get picked up and get carryed throught a whole compound or house or... whatever! Finally Cody started running down the darkish hallway and started to slow down. He opened to door to my room and put me down. I saw his face again full of sweat and redness. I can still feel my face was burning like my lungs from all the screaming. Cody smile suddenly emerges out of no where. Cody collapsed onto my bed with a small laugh.
"Your not as heavy as I thought you were..." He said.
"H...Hey! Thats not funny!" I replied. I sat on my bed right next to him. I cuffed my hands together like a fancy women would do.
"Have you ever liked anyone?" He asked sitting up. My cheeks started to burn again, Which makes him smile.
"I don't think so..." I replied. He started to smirk at me again. He started turning a little red like he was planning something. "Why do you ask?"
"Just curious." He started to look up just to daydream. I leaned against him which snapped him back to reality. He looked down at me like a tower. He bent down a little to kiss my forehead again. It made me smile. I think I like him... Better lock my door then. He looks back into the air to resume his dream.
"Why?" I asked looking up at him.
"Why what?" He replied.
"Why do you make it so hard not to like you?"
"I like to make it like that." He looked back down at me. I haven't seen those gentle blue eyes of his in a while. My hands started to uncuff themselfs and slide towards his lap. His hand edged towards my hand as well. He moved my hand to his face to feel my hand towards him. I put my other hand to his face as well. We started edgeing closer to each other hesitating on every move we make. I kissed him. It felt good almost like honey. This time he made me kiss him. His hand went to the back of my head to brush my hair down with his fingers once more. Pressing me towards him. I wanted to stop this but it felt so good. I can tell he wanted more then this, but I didn't want more. I couldn't stop kissing him. They were small kiss that felt like something I wanted. I finally forced myself to stop and put my head on his chest. I couldn't bare to keep going. I never had feeling for someone before, it feels weird like my heart can just jump out of my chest right now. Cody was still brushing my hair down. Did he plan this the whole time? Chris agreed for this to happen?
I don't even know anymore...

End of Chapter 9

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