Chapter 30 Problems

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"Abby! I need your help!" Cody stood inside the room with out his shirt on with the bandages somewhat strapped around his gash... My cheeks started to burn.
"I'm sorry I didn't know you weren't done!!" I yelled closing my eyes and covering them with my hand.
"Bu..." I slammed the door and put my back to it. Oh gosh that was bad! His body though...Gah!! What am I talking about!!
Maybe you should go back in...

Huh? Who was that?

Your ass anyways you should pay attention to him more often.

I pay attention to him he's technically everything to me!

Oh ya then why did you just slam the door on him?

Cause...Ok I'm not used to seeing people without there shirt ok just shut up ok!!
I feel the door move from in back of me and an embrace me picking me off the floor.
"Abby!!!" Cody yells.
"P-Put me down GENTLY!!!" I say wiggling. He puts me back down gently and I wipe my shirt a little. I turn around and see him exactly the same. My whole face is starting to burn! I cover my eyes with my hand while looking down.
"Your so cute when you blush..." I hear him say. His hands touch mine that is on my face. He pries my hands apart and I look him in the eye.
"Your..." Handsome...Wait did I just that in my head!! Dang it...
"Well you going to help me get these bandages on? I can't figure it out!" I nod but slowly. Ahh!! I have to see his body! I think I'm drooling now!! "What you never seen this before?"
"Haha very funny..." He grabs my hand and walks me over to where he was standing. He hands me the bandages.
"N-No I'm not doing this for you! Your old enough to know this by now!"
"Well then if you like a guy who's dead be my guest!" I sigh and snatch the bandages out of his hand. I put one side of the bandages on his gash. I grab his hand and make him hold it there. I start to wrap the bandage around his stomach. Soon I finish and cut the bandage.
"There you happy now?"
"So much better..." He picks me up and kiss me. His hand starts to slide up my back, he starts to fiddle with my hair as we kiss. I feel sparks the more he touches my hair. Why does he touch my hair anyway? He puts me down.
"What was that for?" I ask.
"I don't know I just love you..." He says sitting on the bed.
"Umm...Cody can you put your shirt back on..."
"Oh right forgot!" He gets back up and goes around the bed. He bends down and grabs his shirt. He plops onto the bed and kicks off his shoes. He pats the bed to signal me to lay down with him. I sigh and sit down instead.
"Your an idiot..." I say gently.
"You feel in love with this idiot!" He yells sheepishly. I smile and lay on his stomach.
"Can't believe you've been in my whole life! somewhat..."
"Ya i know just your on my gash!"
"Sorry!" I move to his chest and he exhales.
"Ok the moments over !" Cody sits up and gets off the bed.
"What moment there wasn't even one moment!" I yell as he walks closer to the door. He groans and opens the door, he leaves but left the door open. I sometimes wonder what goes through his head...

You should ask him...

Who is this! Oh please don't tell me...

Ya it's me again so you going to try and make him happy?

What do you mean?

You just bummed him out and your about to leave him like that?!

Well he might need some space to cool down...

Or he's probably waiting next to the door where your literally blurting out everything your saying...

Wait what!! I thought this was all in my head!!!

Oh I am in your head, just your not...
I sit up and look at the door. I see a little speck of brown hair next to the door. He is listening...Dang it I can't believe I've been talking to myself this whole time!!! I'm getting paranoid now! I sigh and yell, "I can see you so stop hiding!" Cody peaks from the door with wide eyes.

"When did you start talking to yourself?" He says confused.

"I don't know i guess its new..." I say putting my head dow. It is new for this whole thing to just happen all of a sudden and I mean I have never started talking to myself till now so its a bit weird...

"Are you sure I mean sometimes you...Well..." He pauses think if he should say it or not.

"Are-Are you ok?" I hesitate.

"What do you mean?" He says with one of his eyebrow's up.

"I mean i did just ruin the moment early and you just walked out on me as well..."

"Oh right I can be a little dramatic at random points...I don't really know every sense I admitted my feelings or well... more like I just went for it..."

"Ha,ha ya you literally carried me around the whole compound....or so I thought..."

"Lets not talk about me being the old mans son..."

"ya your right I don't want to remember those days as much as you do..."

"what do you mean as much as I do?"

"Well why did you have that big thing hidden away from everyone?"

"That was so I can watch over some stuff thats going on...My dad had problems when I left so I made sure he didn't escape that place, if you don't understand I locked him inside his own lab..." He moves away from the door and sits down right beside me as I laughed.

"You locked your own dad in a place like that?"

"Ya its the only place where he won't get himself into trouble..."


"Long story..."

"I see well we should get going and find the others..."

"Good idea just, the door is to far...."


"Still you fell in love with that idiot!"

"Right worse idea I ever made..."


"Oh right your still here..." I smile and Cody smiles back. I kiss him on the cheek and get off the bed. He grabs my hand and follows me. I walk down the hallway into the living room. I look out the window and see it has already gotten dark out. Man i was hoping i could at least go peaking around a bit longer.

"Woah just a moment ago it was still sunset, men time goes by!" Cody says.

"You said it..."

"We should go to sleep..."

"I call shotgun!!"


"Your sleeping on the floor while I sleep on the bed!"

"GAH! Your a brat sometimes..."


End of Chapter 30

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