Chapter 1 how it started.

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"ah." I said yawning. "another normal day to waste on work." I got out of bed and started getting dressed for the day ahead of me. I hurried to the kitchen just down the hall. My house was pretty small to be honest, it was a one story house, what else do you need in your house when you don't have that much money. I put the kettle on the stove like any other day. I turn the tv on to the news. I guess something is happing somewhere close about a car crash. I was to busy getting ready for work to pay attention. The kettle starts to whistle like a deer in dis-stress. I never really liked that noise so I hurried to stop it from going any louder. I put it in a container with a tea bag and some sugar. I then headed out to work. I started the car and pulled out of the driveway then started my 10 minute drive to work. Maybe 10 minutes...

"Hurry!" Someone yelled. "Everyone go! Now! Now!Now!" Suddenly everyone started running into the streets attacking each other, even there love ones. I didn't want to get involved, but neither did i want to leave everyone like this but i had too. By the time I got to work everyone was still running every where i saw a few dead body's. Well i think there dead. A few were on the floor because of to many punches or from being shot. I saw my boss outside the office holding something small in his hand, its to small to see. I rolled down my window and said.

"Hey. Mr. ke..." I was interpreted by gun shoots. Thats when i noticed he was holding a gun. He started towards me with his gun up and ready to fire. I stomped on the peddle and drove off before he got any closer. Panicking, I actually got home less then 10 minutes.

"Attack!" Someone yelled. As soon as i parked I hurried to get into my house before they tried coming after me. I locked the front door when i had the chance too then ran to my room and locked that one as well then closed the curtains. I almost went into a full brake down right at that moment. But curled up into a ball next to my bed drawer of my room and just stared at the door and turned sometimes to look at the window just in case, but most of the time I just hid myself not caring. I soon felt sleepy. I started to close my eyes. Someone bursted in the room but I didn't know who. I wanted to get up but i felt like a rock.
"Hey are you ok?" someone said. "Hey! Wake up!" The same words repeated through me, more like water then words. I tried to say I was fine but my lips felt like there sealed shut with stitches. The words soon got lighter and lighter till i heard nothing and i could see nothing but pitch darkness. I thought I was a goner, but i felt something wrap around me like a snake and picked me up, i think. I couldn't tell the difference between up and down. Soon i heard gun firing and i felt like someone was carrying me while running. I didn't know what was going on but all i remember after that was a dream of being alone in a world that belonged to me only. It was lonely but I stayed there even so.

End of Chapter 1

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