Chapter 35 Cody Again

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Why...why her... I sit in a chair in front of a Abby's bed.
I sigh. Luckly the bullet didn't hit her in a pressure point.... I skim my hair with my hand and look at Abby again. She's-she's always getting into trouble, but why her why is she the one getting hurt! I feel tears run down my face as I look at Abby's face. Even when she's asleep she's cute. I rub my tears away and get off my ass. I hate the way she gets hurt like this. Maybe it was supposed to happen...I look at the door then at Abby. I need to know if it really was supposed to happen. I walk to the door. My hand starts to hover over the button to open the door. I need something to cover my face and the rest of me. I run to the lockers in the back of the room and open one of them. Nothing, nothing , nothing! I open the last locker and see a black clock sat inside. I grab it and put it on. I grab the keys to the car as i walk back.I get back to the controls and play around with the controls. The lights go out and I open the door into the hallway. I remember this place hopefully no one is in the hallway. I make it to the other end of the hallway and look for a keypad. I feel buttons under my finger and press them in a certain pattern. A door starts to slide open. I go in and close the door behind me. I start to walk down the stairs that are glowing green as I walk. I reach the bottom and it's pitch dark nothing can be seen anymore. I press a button ms the lights start to flicker on. A big room with a desk in front of a big glass screen. Someone was inside. A man with those old grandpa hair styles and a lab coat. He turned his head and gave me a evil look.
"Welcome back! I thought I would never see you again..." He stands up. "Son..."
"Don't call me that!" I yell.
"Oh it's ok son it's not like you will be here any longer..." He winks at me as he keeps smiling away. "So what do you need from me? Cash, you should still have that, help, like you need any... Questions?" The bitterness in his voice bothers me so much but I need to ask him.
"Security system, why is it in there?"
"Oh boy you asked me that it's just so I can get extra food!"
"Don't lie to me..." Suddenly you can hear something sliding down a shaft.
Click clank
"That must be it!" He says going to the other side of the room. He opens a little door and takes a tray with sloppy joe, maybe some rice but that's it.
"You do know the security system never sent the food down, right?"
"So that's not what that button for?" He points to a red button that says he playing dumb with me now! He press it and something goes flying past my face. I look where it came from and a little machine was hanging from the ceiling. It start to return to its original spot and the tile slips back into place. It's like it never came out of its place. Then again something starts to slide down the shaft. He opens the door again and there was food.
"W-what? Impossible I created the security system myself!"
"Well the you have a few bugs in it still..." He pats the me-machinery and something slides out of the desk. A computer... "Ha, ha you weren't supposed to see that..." The screen showed Abby in the bed still passed out.
"What is this?" I ask
"Ok maybe I was spying on you and scarlet for a while to see the whole story play out and so far it's playing out how it's supposed too!"
"What isn't your girlfriend name scarlet?"
"No, it's Abby..."
"W-what no it's supposed to be scarlet the Orc told me..."
"I mean, what am I saying I can't lie to you, maybe an Orc came and told me what would happen in your future and he told me you would meet a girl named scarlet and you two were going to get married and stuff, have you not read my book?"
"Y-you wrote a book? When did all this happen?"
"Before the apocalypse happened... I thought I wrote everything down correctly!"
"What's this book called?"
"Scarlet... You girlfriends a supposed to be reading it right now..." I back away and glare at him. "Oh no please don't go it's lonely here..."
"I'm sorry father but you've been doing bad things and I can't let you keep doing that..." I run out the room while turning the lights off. I hit the top of the room and put my hands on the door. I slowly slide the door so you can't hear the stone move. I step out as the lights are still turned off. I quickly press the button again so I don't have to move it this time and cover the button with the small stone piece. Soon the lights flicker on again and someone stood in that hallway with me. There cold glare gave chills up my spine. They had dark brown hair that made it look black and shredded clothes. He isn't affected cause his eyes aren't bloodshot and there no hand marks on him. He starts walking towards me.
"CODY!!!!" He yells. I recognize that voice from anywhere...
"H-Hey A-Alex...." He grabs me by the neck and smashes me into a wall.
"Finally I can get revenge on you for leaving me there..."
"Aren't you supposed to be dead!?!?"
"I figured out a way to escape and I know you would see your dad again."
"So..." I start coughing. I'm losing air quickly...
"What can't speak anymore?" He grip on my neck tightens and I feel like I'm about to explode if I don't take in some air.
"S-stop it..." I keep coughing and his grip gets tighter.
"No, you TRYED and let me die on that ship, I lived but then you left me here no food, a room full of traps, just because you couldn't bare to see me anymore!"
"Y-You..." I cough. "Tried to kill me first..." I keep coughing. My check are burning and its like a sauna in here. He smiles and let's go off me. I collapse on the ground gasping.
"Well I'm going back to my room full of traps so i can eat so see ya loser..." He walks off while the lights flicker then lights go out and hes gone. He's always does that. I get back up and take the cloak off. I start walking while gasping for air. I reach the stairs and look at Abbys room. Well our room that is. I need to know whats going on...I run up the stairs and see everyons upstairs. Ada turns around to see me, she comes up to me and grabs me by the shirt.
"Is she finally awake?!" She says to me.
"Sadly no...But she will soon!" She nods to me and walks back to the group. I quickly run to the door and before they notice I'm gone. I grab the keys to the car and unlock it. I hear the car and push the leafs out the way. I run up to the car and open the drives door. I speed away before anything happens. I soon make it back to the entrance to the compound, or whats left of it... I get out of the car and look around. Few of them are here. I start passing the buildings rubble and make it in front of the other room that wasn't touched. Abbys room... I slowly step onto the rest of the hallway that was left and start walking. I reach the door and resch for the doornob. I try ans turn the nob but I can't open it. Im scaryed of this room but why. I force my self to open the door and see it was left the same before I left. I look at the cabinet and see the book. Thank goodnes its just here. I grab it and hear something jingling the doornob. Oh no...I'm to late...

End of Chapter 35

Hey guys sorry i havent been updating ive been working on something else right now but ill soon be able to ahow all of you so YAYAYAYAYAYA A NEW STORY SOON cause this book will soon come to a close. this book is pretty long but still its almost done

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