Chapter 2 The Beginning

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I woke up. I found myself in a bed. It wasn't my bed so it bothered me a little.
"So your finally awake." Someone said. I looked to my right and saw a boy lean and tall. If i was a regular girl i would say he's handsome, but i'm not. He wore a gray shirt and dark blue pants. I saw that he was twisting something in his hand. I guess it was a coin, it was to small to see it clearly.

"Umm..Ya I am..." I replied. "Where am I?"

"In a safe place." He said. "Thats all I could tell you for now."

"Umm...Ok then." I said turning my head to the ceiling. It was pretty blank, I thought it would have a fire alarm at least. I sat up so i can see the rest of the room I was in. The room wasn't as big just a normal room. There was two drawers in the room, one in front of the bed and one next to the bed. They were both made out of bamboo and the room was a light green color as well. I sit on the edge of the bed and look at the floor.

"Umm... Where are my shoes?" I asked.

"Somewhere." He said. " Why do you need them?"

"So i can leave where ever this safe place is." I retort.

"Well your not getting them back till we know your trustworthy." He told me. I stared at my bare feet. Nothing ever happen on these little guys, expect me stepping on a nail but thats it.
"Why does it matter if i'm trust worthy?" I said. " and what do you mean by we?"
" Thats nothing for you to know." He said. He stopped playing around with his coin and put it in his pocket. He finally looked at me. From an angle you can see a scar on his face but it's invisible if you are up straight.
"Why can't you tell me anything?" I asked kicking my feet.
"Because i'm not supposed to." He said. "How about this you tell me your name and then i tell you mine."
"I'm not supposed to tell you that." I said with a smile.
"So now I know you actual have a sense of humor." He said with a small laugh.
"Fine." I said. " My name is Abby. Your?"
"Ok then abby my name is Cody nice to meet you." He said Sticking his hand out.
" Nice to meet you too Cody."I said shaking his hand.
"Well then let me give you a tour of the compound." Cody said. "Well maybe..."
"Umm.. Maybe?" I said nervously.
"Oh umm... everyone else has to trust you as well." He told me. I shiver from that sense I don't know anyone here but Cody. So i'm just going have to hope.

End of chapter 2

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