Chapter 8 Back in reality

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I woke up again. More relaxed the ceiling was still blank like always. I can still feel my cheeks were blushing from my long nap. I always know someone liked me but two people telling me they have feeling for me is to much. I still remember my childhood like it was yesterday. I never grow out of my shell I never found the soft spot to it just when I did I was a weakling still I couldn't break it. Just like my fears I could never get over them even to today I feel afraid of such simple things. My parents told me to hide my secerts as well and bury them but it always got away and I chased after it, everytime I caught my secert I never let it go even though I kept getting hit I still helt it. It hurts to hold it back to leave it deep under my skin, to watch it boil up and escape once more. I just wanted to cry let out my deepest fears for a moment just to see them one more time, justs once more. But it wouldn't be a secert if someone found out. I can't take a chance for something like that. I always kept that secert I don't want someone to hold that against me especially nick, that pervert. I sat up, still remembering the moment cody was here. His soft, smooth hair he had. The door randomly opened up. No one was there. Till I saw a head peek throught the side of it. Sandra saw me and stared for a moment we stared at each other then she move her eyebrows up and down like waves. I started to smile.

"Oh thank goodness you can still smile! You feel better now?" She asked.

"Ya more calmer." I replied. "Just a little shocked but thats it." She smiled. She walked up to me and hugged me. I just wanted to cry now, But I helt back the tears. She finally released me from her embrace.

"You should get ready were going to eat soon." She told me.

"Ok then i'll meet you there then." I respond. She waved me a goodbye with a smile. I waved back but I was frowning. I almost broke my shell but now its just a small tear that can't be touched. I locked the door to change. I took my time... I was in no rush. I put on the new clothes and walked out of the room. I closed the door behind me and walked down the darkish hallway again. Just like my soul that never could escape from its problems. I was born with a brith defect so that made everything worse especially for my family . I don't want to get into that conversation again, I can't bare to hear it again. I just want to keep that secert buryed under neath my skin in a chest with other thing I bury away to only see them once a year. I sighed and kept my hands close to my chest, squeezing my vest the more I think about it. I heard footsteps coming my way. It was Ada She has tears in her eyes.

"Oh Abby are you ok please tell me your ok oh please!" Ada embraced me squeezing me to death. "I was so worryed about you in the hands of a pervert!" I can feel her tears hit the top of my head. I was pretty small compared to everyone else here.

"Its ok nothing bad happened at least..." I edged my finger to my face. Sense if it wasn't for Cody I'd probably be forcing my hands to stay close to my waist. Plus I'm pretty sure Cody would have hit nick harder as well maybe beat him into a pulp... I don't know. Cody cares at least to stay and make sure I don't cry myself to death as well. Ada let me go still hesitating .

"Your probably hungry lets go eat then we can talk about nick!" Ada told me. We both walked to the cafeteria in a comfortable silence. I feel relief that I have friends who care. We entered the cafeteria with a smaller line then before we both got our food and sat down at her table. Everyone I met so far was sitting there. when we sat down everyone there became quiet. It surprising sense Their never quiet. Soon they started buzzing with questions asking what happen and all that stuff.

"Umm...guys slow down I'm still shocked myself..."I told them.

"Right then start from the beginning."Buck said. I then told them what happen and all that good stuff.

"Woah thats intense!" Gwen said."I mean thats a lot to take in just in one night and a little of the morning..."

"You can say that again!' Cody said.

"What are you saying you were in there too!" Ada responded.

"Hey I have my problems you have yours!" Cody retorted.

"What happen to nick?" I asked.

"We banished him to the other side he probably got attacked already or something." Ada told me.
"Ok then..."
"So how was your sleep?" Cody said.
"Good why do you ask?"
"No reason."
"We need better humor here!" Sandra said. "Who has a fake duck so I can put a party hat on it and finally laugh!"

"Who you calling duck!" Someone said. It was a boy with shaggy hair. Like always he was taller then me, even Sandra taller then me and I'm older! He had military stuff on while caring a M16. He had a party hat on with a beak over his mouth. "Quack!?" We all started to laugh. I was dying from how he looked. Soon after a long laughing moment we stopped and I was able to deal with the duck face he had literally!

"Right forgot." Ada said still somewhat laughing. " This is Chris or in other words duckling."

"Hey only Sandra or Cody can call me that!" Chris said. "Quack!" We all started to laugh again from that.

"Oh gosh Chris take that off now I'm going to die!" Cody said catching his breath.

"Fine I over did it anyways." Chris said frowning.

"Thanks for the help duckling!" Sandra said.

"Your welcome my lady." Chris said bowing. "Anyways we have found the problem to the jeep and fixed it now we can turn it on and drive in two weeks!"

"Good thanks Chris!" Ada said. " Now who wants to see fat cody?"

"Hey! I never agreed with that name!" Cody exclaimed. We all started laughing again.

"Lets go see the jeep." I said. Everyone else nod and so we went.

End of Chapter 8

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