Chapter 23 The Trip

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I wake up again. The light hits my eye and I sit up. I look at the clock and it says it 7:58. When were we leaving again? Shoot! I'm late! I quickly dress and run out to met the others. I saw everyone there I know waiting for me.

"Hey there you are, we need you to come to show us where to go!" Buck yelled hugging me.

Cody butted in, "Ya we do need you!" Cody kissed the top of my head and puts his hand around me as well. I can tell he's jealous!!!

"Ok then..." I say. "So when are we leaving?"
"Oh now..." Cody says.
"Ya, Uh...Rosie wanted you be something to you, you better start looking.." Buck says. I wave both of them goodbye and walk away. I peek over my shoulder and see Cody holding Buck by the collar saying something to him. He's so jealous it's super obvious. I push through a bunch of people and find the girls. Sandra talking to Chris plus Ada who buts into them and finally Rosie. That's strange... Rosie with a guy. Is she flirting!
"Hey Rosie..." I say softly. Rosie stands up straight and stares at me.
"H-Hey Abby nice to see you again..."
"Nice to see you too, anyways who is thi..."
"N-No one just a friend!"
"I'm a friend!!" He says. He has flat hair and glass as well. He looks like a nerd plus a jock together just very little muscle. "I'll remember that." He says putting his hands up in defeat.
"Wait red! Abby!!" She yells while blushing. I hold my hands up in defeat,
"Hey I just wanted to know who it is that's all plus I heard about something you wanted to give me." She rolls her eyes and gives me a book bag.
"Here, just take it..." I grab it and open it.
"There's nothing nothing in it..."
"Exactly it's for extra stuff that you might need..."
"Oh...ok..." I slowly walk off closing the book bag and putting it over my shoulder. Suddenly I see people moving out of the way and the one making them is no other then...
"Cody I'm going to kill you!?" Chris yells.
"Abby! Save me!" Cody yells hiding in back of me. Chris and Cody battle to go around me. How embarrassing...
"Abby move already!" Chris yells.
"No, don't leave me with this dreaded demon!" Cody offense. I watch as the two keep circling around me and reach over my head sometimes.
"Abby's supposed to be my best friend!" Chris yells while grabbing me.
"And she's my girlfriend!" Cody replies grabbing me. They both start to pull both ways and I feel like I'm about break into tiny pieces. Suddenly Cody picks me up and puts me in back of him.
"No she's mine and no one else's." Cody blurts out. Chris face full of anger try's to punch Cody but miss's. Cody uppercuts him. I see Chris ready to hit Cody. I don't want to see this anymore. I close my eyes and wait for what's going to happen next.

I feel a sharp pain hit my stomach and makes me loss my air. I can hear the room become silent. I open my eyes again and see Chris boot still in the air plus Cody who is watching me with wide eyes. I fall into my knees and place my head down. I start to cough and feel air go through my lungs again.
"Abby!" They both yell. I feel hands grab my waist and help back up on my knees. I look to my right where Cody sits next to me with his hands on my waist.
"Oh gosh Abby are you ok!?" Chris says. "I'm so sorry it was on accident!"
I rest myself on Cody and say, " It's fine I know it was on accident...It would have never happened if Cody just maned up and got hit or at least blocked it..." I can hear Chris start to laugh. I grin but it still hurts to breath.
"That's not funny..." Cody says. I cough into my hand and look at it. B-Blood... I'm bleeding! Oh great...I look at the floor where I had my head and see the small pool of blood.
"Ya...isn't that bad..." Chris says giving me a napkin. I wipe the blood that's spilled out of my mouth.
"What were you guys even fighting over anyways?" I ask. They both exchange looks as they stare at each other.
"Well let's say it has to do with Sandra..." Cody says gentle. I start to laugh a little. they both are all red now...strange. I try to get up but I don't feel my legs anymore... Cody grabs me by the waist and helps me up.
"Abby I'm still very sorry!" Chris says.
"It's fine...if Cody Man up up and got hit or at least blocked it none of this would have happened."
"Hey! I'm manly?" He yells with confusion in his voice.
"Here it is..." Cody says. He gets into the back of the jeep and gives me a hand up. We both plop down next to each other and started to wait.
"Abby you feel better?"
"Oh just fine, No I'm not getting any better..." I reply. He puts his hands up in defeat. "How was my acting?" I say.
"Wait you were acting!" He says aloud.
"Yup." He punches my arm not to hard thought like a play punch.
"Sometimes I wonder how I found you interesting."
"Hey that's not funny!"
"How was that?"
"You jerk!" I say punching him in the shoulder as well. He starts to laugh and embraces me. He pecks me on the cheek and keeps hugging/laughing.
"Now I know why I found you interesting!"
"Ya, ya, ya whatever makes you sleep at night..."
"Isn't that what I'm supposed to say?"
"I don't know..."
"Well we're going to have to wait here for a long time then..." I kiss him on the lips to make him shut up already. Sometimes he gets really annoying... I put my hand in his and feel him trying to not smile. Someone starts to cough outside of the jeep. I look to see Chris and Sandra. I stop kissing Cody and look away.
"Sorry to interrupt your make out sessions but we're leaving to the city now..." Chris says. They both get on and sit across from us plus there sitting together. Cody grip on my hand tightens as Chris kisses Sandra on the cheek.
"Ok guys you ready to leave?" Ada says.
"Oh and Abby I heard..."
"What about these two fighting or me getting kick?"
"Let's just say both..."
Rosie comes over to where Ada is and says , "take your seats guys and make sure you have a good grip on one of the straps when we get close or you'll fall for sure..."
" Rodger that." Chris says. Cody embraces me and looks at Chris angrily. Ada and Buck sit down and start talking about something. Gwen gets on and starts reading as Ada starts to stare at him. It's been a while sense I've seen him...he must be angry or something.. Sigh, today's going to be a long day for me...
soon were on the trail into the city and its starting to get bright.
"Gus look at the view of the city!" Ada says aloud. Everyone gets up but me. I've already seen the city and as well as my stomach still in pain from being kicked. All you can hear is them going woah or cool! After about 3 minutes everyone sits back down and starts daydreaming. I look at Cody who is already daydreaming. I wave my hand in front of his face and he doesn't even flinch! I feel sleepy... I rest my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes. everything went blank...
"Hey wake up were here..." Someone says. I know that voice sounds like...
"He Abby wake up already!" I feel a smack to my face its gently but I woke up. Oh it's just cody... "Finally, we're here come on." He grabs my hand and helps me into my feet. I stumble and run into cody. MENTAL FACE-PALM! I get on to my feet and look at him. He's giving me a cute smile...GAH! My cheeks are burning now! His smile keeps getting wider too!
"Stop staring at me that's rude..." I say rubbing my eye.
"Whatever you say..." He helps me out of the jeep and I start to look around. Wait... I know this place it's my town.
"Do you know this place?" Ada asks.
"Ya I do, but then the gas station would be over there then..." Ada grabs a gas tank from the jeep and starts running in the direction I told her. Chris and Buck also grabbed one too. We start to follow her till finally she stopped and smiles. she turns the corner and vanishes... We turn the corner and we find her messing around with the gas pump then soon pouring gas into the gas tank she has. Finally she finish's with all the tanks. Suddenly your a clink. We all see Chris and Sandra. Chris with his foot still in the air and Sandra with wide eyes, close by there's a can that looks like it was kicked. Sandra smacks him aside the head. Suddenly you can hear footsteps coming from the alleyway. Oh no...

End Of Chapter 23

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