Chapter 21 Nick?

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I wake up again. I look around the room. A room that's made of wood, what a surprise! Two doors one in front of the chair I'm sitting in and a door across from here. What's my head on its warm. I look up and there Cody is facing the door in front of us and he's blushing. It's been a while sense I've seen him glow like this. I move my arm just a little and I feel a strike of pain go through the my arm.
"Ow!" I jerked away from Cody which brought him back to reality.
"Hey your finally awake you'll be fine..." Cody said gently
"What happen?" I asked.
"Oh Nick somehow woke up and stabbed you in the arm with a pencils, I don't remember a pencil being in the lunch room thought." Cody said edging his finger to his cheek.
"Oh ok... Where are we?"
"The infirmary..." Suddenly Nick pops out of the doors in front us.
"You'll pay for this! Oh, You'll pay!?" I hid my face with my hand trying to cover my stupid look. Cody wasn't even surprised about him just ruined the moment. Nick was pulled back into the doors and it became quiet again. The space between me and Cody is now nothing again. Will I ever get this chance again? Ugh, I don't even know.
"Why didn't I find out about this place?" I said shuttering. I backed away to see Cody who seemed to try and fight a smile.
"You surprisingly didn't hurt till now. surprisingly..." Cody said with a chuckle
"That's not funny!" I said pushing him. He started to fully laugh. I can feel my face burn the more he laughed.
"Your so easily embarrassed!" Cody said still laughing.
"S-Shut up you..." His hand slides into mine and he stopped laughing, he had a wide smile like someone just slapped it across his face.
"You want to see something cool?" He whispered.
"Uh...what do you mean by cool?" I said. He picked me up and put me over his shoulder like when I re-met Chris. "C-Cody put me down!" I yelled. He went through the door across from us and I was confused. The wooden floor became a gravel trail, close to it was grass. Whats grass doing in a place like this. I looked to my side to see the gray walls again. How disappointing. Cody puts me down where I can feel my feet against the gravel. Soft but hard, smooth but small. I looked at Cody who had a smirk on his face. I dug my toes into the gravel to feel the ground again. The ground felt like my old house where I ended up growing up. Feels good to remember. A tear rolled down my cheek, then other.
"Y-you ok?" Cody said confused.
"I'm ok Cody just remembering something..." I replied. Cody bent down and wiped my tears, he kissed me with his gently lips on the cheek. I can feel his hand push my hair to the back of my ear. I didn't think I'll ever met his lips again. He backed away a little to see my face. I can feel a smile emerge.
"You sure?" He asked again.
"I'm sure." I said hugging him.
"Ok then," Cody said. " But beyond these doors are other world that I want to show you if you don't mind..."
"I don't mind at all." Cody began to smile again. At least his glow is back. He hesitated on putting his hand on the door but soon opened the door to a shocking surprise. Trees, I mean real living trees! That's amazing! I never thought I would see other tree in forever. The blossoms on the tree looked beautiful in the sky. Even thought the wind was fake it was still beautiful either way. Cody's hand slide into mine while I doze off into the pink pedals.
"I want you to be honest with me," Cody said gently. "H-Have you been hiding something from me?" I can feel myself tremble at the question. I mean I hid a lot of stuff but which one does he want to know!?
"Umm... What do you mean?" I say turning around. I looked at his blue eyes that are focused on the question then on me.
"Abby I..." Cody looked to the ground and hesitated on saying a thing. "I know your hiding something from me that's holding you back and-and I want to know what it is!" Cody said aloud. I can see tears holding him down like the way my secrets do. Approached him slowly to see his face that left his dreaded tears to fall. I pick his head up and look at him again. He didn't even dare to raise his eyes and look at me, he just kept looking down forcing me to let go of him. I never pulled out the disappointment card on anyone before but he just looks like a kid who doesn't know the difference between up and down.
"Cody look at me..."
"I c-can't..."
"N-No, I can't!" He looks like he can just collapsed in my hands. I hugged him, The tears that fell only met to my shoulders instead of the floor, just like him the tears were gentle.
"Hm...Your such a child..." I said with a smile. "If I tell you what's holding me back, you won't tell anyone?"
"I promise..." he whispered into my ear. My hands slide off his back and slide to briefly touched his hand. I scanned his face that was bright red and his tears glowed in the lights. He wiped his tears as I took the contact out of my eye. He looked more normal then flabbergasted.
"Your not shocked?" I asked.
"What no, I like unique!" He replied with a smile. I can feel a tears form into my eyes. A small chuckle appeared and even I don't understand why. Did I really find the right person to be with the rest of my life? I hope time can just freeze and I can be here forever with him, never let go of this moment. A tear escaped as I laughed.
"I hate you so much!" I said still laughing.
"Love you too babe!" Cody said embracing me. Maybe everyone else might be shocked but I might wait a little longer till they find out.
"Hey I-I have a favor to ask you." I say gently.
"What do you mean."
"You remember that box that I left in your room on accident?"
"Duh! I'm still just a little jealous of Rosie trusting buck more then she trust me! At least give it to Chris's!!!"
"Ha, Ha very funny anyways I want to know what it does so I wanted to ask you if you would..."
"Help you, sure! I shall help you no matter what!" I laughed and kissed him again. I still think I won't ever feel them ever again.
"Thanks, and umm... Tomorrow then right?" I say pointing at him.
"R-Right tomorrow! Ya, tomorrow..." Cody kisses my forehead and walks backwards waving goodbye to me. He ran into the door and I laughed. He turned around and kept waving at me just he had his hand on the back of his head. I watched the doors swing close and I was alone again. I can feel weight lift off my chest when I told him my...well problem. Is this really it? I finally fell in love with someone full time? I hope he doesn't drop me to hard if he has too. I stare at the cherry blossom that flow around the room like water. I'll never know if this really is it. Even thought scarlet TRYED to ruin it I still here wanting more. Uh... what am I doing! Might as well get the box before I forget. It's already 7:53 so it's a good idea to sleep early for now.

End of Chapter 21

oh my gosh I'm sorry i haven't been posting lately I've been busy lately and I've been playing games to LEVEL UP and stuff. I'll get back into this when summer starts and maybe before that but I might not be posting as much as I always do so hope for the best guys!!!
-Potato out!

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