Chapter 3 Hope.

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When he open the door to the compound it wasn't what i imagined. It was literally a compound! It was a narrow hallway with the whole thing stone. Luckily I was able see the end of the hallway.

"After you." Cody said with a smirk. I got on my two feet I was unsteady as if I was a penguin just learning how to stand. I was able to stand steady, but with help...

"You weren't kidding by compound." I said.

"I'd never lie, about something like this." Cody replied. He kept hesitating about his words but I didn't like point things out about people It just, didn't feel right. The arch doorway lead to a few people waiting for Cody, I think.

"There you are!" Someone said. There was a girl running towards us. She looked similar to Cody, maybe a sibling. She had combed hair it made her stand out of the crowd here. It was probably nothing like my hair that seemed to stay standing on end. She was pretty much my size.

"Hey," Cody said scratching his head. "Sorry I'm late. I didn't know when she was going to wake up."

"I could have at least brought you food if you let me big brother." She said angrily. I guess I was right about that. She looked at me and just kept staring. I hid in back of cody I felt like a child again, always scared of new people.

"Hey, Sandra its not nice to stare." He told her.

"Oh right my bad!" She replied. She finally stopped staring at me and I started to feel relived, I thought I was about to break down right there.

"Hey aren't we missing the big picture over here!" A boy said. He was a blondie with spike hair almost like cody but with more spikes and shorter hair plus Cody has brown hair but still. He was almost my size but just a bit bigger then I am. I stayed hidden in back of Cody, I don't know why but i feel safer close to him.

" Oh right!" Sandra said. "Is she infected like the rest?" Cody had a plain face after she said that.

"Thats what we thought." Said a boy in the back. He was hold a gun in his hand I'm pretty sure it was a dart gun. He had flat hair some of his hair stands up at the end but he wasn't actual like everyone else he looked pretty much evil with his frown. Pft, And Cody said I'm not trustworthy. "This might not hurt or it will be painful." He said with a grabby hand.

"I'm sorry." Cody said gently. He grab the back of my shirt and shoved me forward, away from the back of him. I panicked wonder what he's going to do with that dart gun. I took small steps back trying to escaped but Cody grabbed me by the shoulders and made me stand still, I was trapped. Pow. It hit the side of my arm.

"Ow." I said. " Ow! Thats painful! What did you just shot me with!" I don't know why but it felt like a bee sting with salt and lime together. I curled up into a ball on the floor yelling ow the whole time. I acted like a baby. Mental face-palm!

"Well thats strange she's pure." He said.

"Ow! Why me!" I yelled. " Why!?" Someone tried to help me up but i kept pushing there hands away.

"Well then," He said. "She can stay if she wants." He finally walked away with a strange look in his eye. The pain finally left my arm and the tears left my eyes in a flash. Cody just stared at me with disappointment in his eyes.

"At least your not sleeping." Someone said. Sandra handed me a napkin to wipe away the tears in my eyes. I Sat up trying to hold myself up with one arm.

"Well then if your going to stay you got to know the rest of us." The boy with spiky hair said. I started to laugh a little. I should stay here Everyone here seems nice expect for that one guy but it's my only option sense if I go out there again I might die.

"Ok then." I replied. "That mean you all need to know my name and thats..."

"Abby!" Cody yelled. Why would he same my name out loud? Sandra gave him a funny look like she noticed something fishy. " Its not nice to stare Sandra!" He said.

"Ooooo!" She said out loud. " You like her!"

"No I don't I just was...I was... shut up Sandra!" Cody started to blush and Sandra started nudging him. I started to laugh just barley tipping over.

" Cody stop steal all the attention!" The boy said. "My name is buck!"

"Nice to meet you buck." I said still laughing.

This would be a nice place to stay at for now till the government or someone solve's the infection.

End of Chapter 3

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