Chapter 11 Abby

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"I love you too..." I said. Cody smiled back at me and then left the room. I can feel my cheeks burn from both the kiss and me saying I LOVE YOU. I mean I never had feeling for anyone before but I've changed sense then. But Codys different I don't know why but he is caring and loveable! Unlike every other boy who justs want to do it when they have the chance in my opinion, But Hes different thought a WHOLE lot different. I didn't like him at first when I first met him but now he's... just like able now. I hugged my legs and buryed myself in my them. I wanted to just run back to my house and re-live my life once more. Re-think every decision I ever made. I have an urge to go out and kiss Cody again feel the warmth again I don't think I'll feel his lips against mine ever again. I start to remember the secerts I buryed down bellow. I know I might fall in love with someone and trusted them with my secert but...Its hard to find the right person to carry that secert and not hold it against me as well. Lately my love triangle became more of a square then a triangle sometimes it shifted back to a triangle but came back to the square again. The sunset started to drift off and soon became night. I turned the lights on before it got any darker in my room. I got changed into my P.J's and put away my other clothes. I found a watch snd put it on which I looked at my new watch and it was now 7:34 And I had time to read more of my book. This time she found out that she was the cure to the infection but no one wanted to sacrifice her to get killed by a bunch of people who don't trust her. There scientists tryed to convert some of her into a cure but its more difficult then it looks. KNOCK KNOCK! Someone was at the door again and I'm pretty sure it's Codys coming back to tell me goodnight or something. I walked to the door and unlocked it.
"Buck! What are you doing here?" I said. Buck never came over to visit my room like everyone else has. Its a bit strange BUCK I'm going to have to deal with it.
"Oh I just came to give you something." Buck said blushing while rubbing the back of his head. He had something in back of him that I could barely see. Its colorful but thats the only thing I know. He finally showed me what it was. Flowers. He was looking down when he showed me, must be embarrassed by this. I'm surprise that he would do such a thing he's usually just joking around then admittung he likes someone.
"Umm...Thanks Buck?" I said grabbing the flowers.
"I hope Your not allergic from any of them!" He told me.
"I'm not allergic to anything from what I know." I told him.
"Phew! What a relief! Anyways Rosie told me to give this to you." He handed me a brown wooden box. I wanted to open ot but my hands were full.
"Umm... I hope you find a place to pit the flowers then..." Buck hugged me out of the blue and then walked away. I can feel my cheeks burning again. I walked back into my room and put the flowers next to my book. I tryed to open the box but it wouldn't budge. Suddenly something turned over and showed that I had to put a code in. A 4 digit code. I put the first thing that came to mind, *Pure.* The box opened to a syringe that had some type of liquidity thing in it. I am about to go to sleep so I don't want to make the chances of me sleeping any lower then they are. I closed the box and put it next to the flowers I got. I turned the lights off and tryed to go to bed. I twist and turn but something didn't feel right. 7 Minutes later I realized I need something to distract me. I sat back up to look at my watch. Luckly it was digital and I could just try these new buttons on it. It was already 9:27 and I'm still not asleep. I forced myself to go look for Ada's room to have a sleepover probably. I struggled to look for the doornob and get out of my room. I ran into one of the cabinets and dropped the box onto my foot. It hurt but all I did was I pick it up and decided I should take it with. I finally found the way out and crashes to the floor when I did. Good thing they leave the lights on till 10 so I had to hurry and find a room that had a girl I know in it. I looked up and down, left and right I couldn't find it. Soon the lights turn off and I was in the dark.
"Crap what now..." I thought. I can hear Ada yelling at me to wake up when she sees me sleeping on the floor. I saw a light across the room. I acted like a fish that saw its first light bulb. I walked closer to it hesitating on every step I take. I made it to the door and just stood there, watching it like its about to move. I placed my forehead to it and hoped for the best. KNOCK, KNOCK! I can hear someone randomly falling onto the floor from me knocking. I can hear rustling inside like there having a hard time getting up. Finally the door unlocked to a surpise. Cody was staring down at me, shocked and confused.
"What are you doing here?" He asked. "How did you find my room?"
"It's....It's the only door that had light coming out of it so I knocked." I said shrugging.
"You know you can't be out in the compound before 10. Why did you leave your room anyway?"
"I...I Couldn't sleep so I went looking for Ada's room but I ran out of time." I told him. He smiled at me like always.
"I would tell you where Ada's room is but I don't have a flashlight to give you. So you can stay here till then."
"I don't think that's a good idea." I told him. He started to laugh at my "joke."
"Well come on in my lady!" I was shocked at how his room looked like. It was clean and tidy, organized. For a boy who acts like a jerk he's pretty tidy. The room was a bit bigger then my room and had no windows. There was a desk close to the door with papers scattered around it with one chair tipped over.
"What have you been studying?"
"Nothing really just formulas and sciencey stuff." He responded. I laughed at the word "sciencey " he says it as if he was 2."You made me drop a lot of my work so you better help me pick up the papers." He got onto the floor and started picking a few papers up himself. I put my box onto the desk and got down and picked up some papers as well. I bonked my head into him when I was picking one up.
"Ow....That hurt..." I said rubbing my head. I opened my eye to see Cody blushing for some reason. Cody reached to grab my hands and forced me to stop rubbing my head. He kissed the part that hurt on my head, Ya like that ever worked! He then let go of my hands and resumed to pick up papers. All I did was smile at him, watch him pick up the rest of the papers and put them on the table.

End of Chapter 11

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