Chapter 28 A week later

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I wake up. I stare at the ceiling. I have a bad feeling about today. Why do I feel like this, that something might happen. Sigh...Well time to find out what will happen today. I get out of bed and quickly changed.I hear a knock at my door.
"Who is it?" I yell.
"My ass, open up!!" I quickly open the door and make a mad face. "What?"
"That's rude!!" Anthony stood in front of making his confused face.
"Ya anyways where is that idiot? I know he's here!"
"Who's here?"
"Cody, who else would be here? Oh right me!"
"Ya right umm...he's not actual here so if you can I'd like to be here by myself!"
"Ya you mean Cody no I'm not leaving till I find him, I need to talk to him privately."
"Talk to who privately?" My brother and I look to the door. Cody stands there with a smirk on his face while leaning on the door. I open my mouth,
"You, I wanted to talk to you about something only we know about!" My brother butts in.
"Why now I mean there's someone here I want to be with." He starts to walk towards me and embraces me with a kiss. I grip onto the back of his shirt as he slides his fingers through my hair.
"Woah, woah, woah! No PDA." My brother yells while pushing us apart. He grips onto his shirt and whispers some thing to him. Cody eyes fill with anger but everything else is calm.
"Me and him are going somewhere privately." They walk out of the room with Anthony still gripping onto Cody shirt. I watch as the door slowly closes but bounce back open. I quickly sneak up to the side of the open door and peak a little to hear and see what there doing. Have I ever notices there both almost the same size. Wait what am I talking about I have to listen to this.
"I know who you are and don't act like I'll use it against you..."
"What do you mean?"
"Don't act like an idiot I remember just fine before we left and maybe your like him too!"
"No I've changed sense then trust me ok please, I love..."
"No, no, no if you did why are you acting like this maybe your trying to finish what your dad already started on like you I care and I don't want to put her in the same situation again! It's rough there and it was already hard to find a wood plank in a facility like that!"
"Ok maybe my dad is an evil genius, maybe he done bad thing to kids but even so I'm not like him if I was you be dead by now!"
"Your probably plotting that already!"
"No I'm not can you prove that! Actually You know what you don't have too. I'm going back with Abby now and you can't stop me!" He spins on his heel and starts walking back. I panic and go back to where I was. I belly flop onto my bed and turn around putting my hands on my face. I hear the door slam and heavy breathing. I peak and see Cody drenched in sweat as his hands were placed on the door.
"What's up?" I say sitting up.
"N-Nothing..." He says putting his back to the door. He looks at me and starts to smile. I smile back. He wipes his sweat off with his arm and keeps staring.
"Hey it's rude to stare..." I say gently.
"Ha, ha very funny." His smile becomes rubbish and he starts to stare at the floor.
"Are you sure your ok?"
"Ya, I'm ok just one question...Will...Will you always be there for me..."
"Ya, I mean why wouldn't I be there for you?"
"I don't know just a random question...Its just, I care about you and I want to know you care about me too." He says walking over to where I am. He sits down and looks at me. I give him a smile hoping it'll make him smile. He puts his hand on my head and rubs my hair.
"Hey not the hair! It's already messy!" His smile becomes wider then before but soon leaves. His other hand goes to my side and he starts to edge closer to me. I can see he's embarrassed on what he's about to do. He comes closer to me and puts his forehead against mine. He uses his head to move a piece of my hair. He backs away a bit and bits his lip. His hand that's on top of my head skids to the back of it. He pushes me forward and kisses me. Sparks start to go off as his hands slide to my waist. I grip onto the back of his shirt as he rests his head on my chest.
"You taste like strawberry..." he says gently. His breath against my chest makes me shiver.
"Shut up..." He take his head off my chest and grins at me. I want this to last longer but it wont!! He gets off my bed and walks out of the room. Why does he make me like this...He acts all nice and stuff but I know it won't last long till he tells me what that was about with Anthony... Minutes pass as I sit on my bed. I should do something with this time. I get off of my bed and head for the door. Suddenly an explosion goes off. Nothing happens to my room but what's going on outside? I slowly open the door and see half of the Hallway demolished. I walk down to the end and see that almost everything is gone now. The compound is now in rubble and I don't even know if anyone lived this... I look around and see on of the rooms were not touched. It was a dark purple and it looks like all the stone that was connected to it is gone completely. I start to slowly walk towards it. Jumping over stone and looking at dead body's. Ada, Rosie, Chris, Buck, And all the others are missing from the compound. Did they escape? Even Cody left without me. I know it was to good to be true. I reach the room and go around looking for a door. I barely put my hand close to the wall. A door slides open and reviled the massive room. I go in and the room is almost pitch dark. A massive computer screen and a big console in the middle. I slowly approach the console. I look at the screen and see all the science stuff Cody had in his desk. Ok i took a quick peak at his work when we picked up the papers but thats not the point. I press a button and see, me on it... Why would I be in these files. I search the console and press other button. Suddenly a bunch of recording come up and a few pictures. I looked for other one button and it plays one of the videos. The scenery looks like where I grew up. Just in a lab full of lab coats if you know what I mean.
"There they are our new experiments! what do you think Cody?" A man said.
Cody? Is this the Cody I know or someone else? It better be someone else.
"Cool...I guess but why are you doing this to kids?" Cody says.
"Cause there different and different is scary so we want to know what they can do..." The man says nervously.
"What's different about them?"
"Umm...There eyes, Umm... Something else we don't know about yet..."
"But the girl there looks pretty why are you picking on a pretty girl?"
"I'm not picking on a 'pretty girl' she complex then the boy, it's hard to explain ok."
"If it makes you feel better I can arrange a small play date for you, ok?"
"Yay I get to meet a pretty girl!"
The video stops and goes away. Other shows up and plays. I watch as the loading thing goes in circles. Is this like behind the scenes or something? Soon it stops and starts to play,
"Are you sure about this dad? I mean the last time I saw her she messed up the camera and killed a few people..."
"Nothing to worry about just be nice...You wanted to see her so I'm giving you the chance..."
"Ya-Ya your right I going to man up and go in there and- Just go to my room and live in shame for an eternity..."
"Son please I want to know how she re-acts against real human beings, I showed her, her brother but she already know him and loves him."
"Ok but if I get hurt mom going to take me back you know..."
"I know and I promise nothing happens..."
"Ok whatever you say." The door opens and he walks in. The camera starts to wobble and he places it on the ground.
"H-Hi there..." He says.
"Hi..." She says.
"Umm...What's your name?"
"2? That's not a name..."
"That's what ever one calls me, expected the man he calls me Abby..."
"Abby aye...Thats a nice name..."
"Thank you!" He moves away from the camera and you can see him fully. His hair was flat and his face was like Cody and Sandra together.
"Well I'm Cody nice to met you Abby..."
"Nice to met you Cody!" They both shake hands and the camera goes blank.
The video stops and goes away again then other comes up and loads once more. I think I changed the room it probably blocks all types of things. The video plays and reviles the boy running just he is holding the camera.
"Stop right there!!" Someone yells. A boy and a girl were outside and the boy was helping the girl go over the fence surrounding the place. The girl gets over but the boy starts to get over and...

End of chapter 28

Sorry this chapter was so long and I left it on a cliff hanger I don't want to make it any long so you guys are going to have to wait till then...

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