Chapter 5 work again.

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I woke up again with papers all over my bed and my book on my tummy. I looked at the alarm clock I got yesterday. It was 7:56, way to close to when i'm supposed to meet Ada and thats across the compound. I collected my paper's and put my book on the counter with my papers. I hurried to find my shoes till i realized I never got them back after they accepted me here. Maybe there trading them around and saying "When are we going to return those shoes? Meh, maybe later." Mental face palm! I ran out of my room hurrying to get to the other side of the compound. I saw Gwen on a stack of ply wall. I waved at him and kept running, I think he waved back but everything was blurry when I turned my head back to see where I was going. By the time i got there it was already 8:22 and Ada had her disappointed face on. I can tell when someone is angry, happy, sad, ect.

"There you are you're 22 minutes late!" Ada looked different today a bit more happier to be seeing me. She had a bob hair do with sweatpants plus shirt with a tan look to her, not like yesterday. She had the same hair do but with a red dress on, the one you would see in movies.

"I know! I'm sorry I stayed up doing something!"

"Well then we better get training then we got a lot to work on!" She acts like i've been here the whole time, strange.

"Why do i have to train? Wouldn't i be in here the whole time?"

"Well its not like we have a full life supply of food plus we have to send people out to get food and sense you live close to here you know where the grocery store and the malls and so on forth. Cody said that sense I don't know much about you and he was the one who saved you." For a moment i just stared at her trying to remember that day when i heard that voice. Was that really him.

"Oh, thats why..." She gave me a funny look like I'm not even paying attention to her.

"Umm...Right anyway just hit that sandbag over there."

"The one over in the corner?"

"Duh!" I stared at the sandbag in the corner there were more sandbags but why did she give me the one in the corner? The room we were in was really big it's like a cafeteria size room. There were mats on the floor just in case you fall. There was a mirror close to the corner, I stared at my reflection looking at how messy my hair is sense the last time i saw what i looked was 2 days ago. My clothes were on point at the time now i look like a mess with my hair standing up from the back and my tired looking face. I never thought of myself pretty just normal sense I grow up all by myself with my brother who i think is crazy... Strange how i think of school when the last time I went to one is when i went to pick up one of my nephew or for me 4 years ago. I walked to the corner, hesitating on every step I take. By the time I got over to the corner Ada was already jogging out of the room glared at me with the same disappointed face on still.

"Phew I can do this..." I toke my first punch at the sandbag and it barely moved, neither did it hurt wonder why. I felt energy flow through like I just was having fun outside or something. I punched it again, I felt more energy go through me like a hanging out with the most funniest people ever and they keep telling you jokes that cracks you up. I hit the sandbag so hard that it hit the glass in back of it and it cracked the whole thing. I was so attached to this that when someone tried to talk to me I almost hit them. Lucky no one got hurt. Someone was walking up to me I didn't notice them till my elbow touched there chin.

"Abby its just me!" It was Cody he had a bag of food in his hand I think. "Sorry to alert you!"

"Cody? What are you doing here?" I moved my elbow from his chin so he can put his arms down.

"What you were here almost all day so i brought you food."

"Oh. I guess i lost track of time..." My stomach started to growl but it wasn't very loud.

"You did that!?" He pointed at the broken mirror.

"Umm...Ya I did that, earlier..."

He just stared at the mirror. I could smell the food from the bag It made my stomach growl a little louder then before, I felt like a loin that never ate in years.

"Umm... Cody can I eat the food you brought now."

"Oh right thats why I'm here." He gave me the bag of food. I sat down on the mat and open the food to rice and some meat. I was never very picky about my food so I just took it out of the bag and started to eat the rice first. Cody sat next to me and stared at my hands that were bright red from all the punching of course.

"So what did yo..." Cody grabbed my hand and examined it closely. All I did was put the rice down and grabbed the spoon from my other hand then kept eating.

"Don't you know how to put on gloves or tape at least?" His face turned to anger in a flash, I wonder how he does that but that's not the point.

"I didn't know you had some Ada expected me to just start that it. Don't blame me, I barley got here yesterday."

"Good point."

To be Continued

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