Chapter 19 Breaking Point

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I woke up in bed, sunlight hits my eye and I know today might be good. Like always theres a turning point in life like always. If its a good day soon it becomes a bad day, who knows what that bad thing would be or rather how bad it is. I sighed and got out of bed like any other day here. I slipped on my new clothes but my shoes and headed out to eat breakfest. I got to the table and saw scarlet there. That slut needs to chill out sometimes. I walk over with a fake smile on my face.
"Hey guys what did I miss?" I say loader then I wanted it ro be.
"Nothing much just a small boring conversation were having," Ada says. "And as well as were learning a bit about scarlet but thats it."
"Oh thats nice." I sit down right next to buck who looked concerned about something. I took a quick scan of the table. Cody wasn't here, Strange...
"Anywhales have you incountered any infected?" Rosie asked.
"I did but I ran away while I had the chance." Scarlet said.
"Hey Abby you should try this!" Someone said. I looked to where the voice came from. Cody was holding a bowl of soup in his hands.
"Wait your not Abby! Abby where are you!" Cody started walking away which looked embarrassing to me. "I'm just kidding!" He walked back to the table and placed the bowl of soup in front of me while putting his chin on top of my head. It glistened in the light, a few carrots floated on the yellow soup.
"What is it?" I asked.
"Something I made in the kitchen!" He replied.
"Oh boy that makes me a bit nervous..." Everyone started to laugh but Cody who was a bit red.
"Hey! Thats a bit rude isn't it."
"Sorry I'm not used to a boy cooking for just me..."
"Ok then just try it." I sighed and picked the spoon. I tryed it and something changed in my mouth. My mouth started to burn. I swallow it and stuck my tongue out. I felt my whole face burn from just one spoonful.
"You like it?"He asked.
"What did you put in this?" I asked.
"Hey I asked a question first."
"Umm...I-I..." I can't think of something. Its spice but theres a after taste that leaves somewhat good taste in your mouth.
"Fine then," He said pausing. "I put some spice in it!" I tryed to get up but I just ran into his head and hands which forced me to stay seated. I closed my mouth and sucked it up.
"I guess I liked it?" I said.
"Why thank you!" Some of the others started to chuckle trying not to be rude I guess. Someone slide a glass of water to where I was and I chugged it down in seconds.
"So that must have been fun eating spice!" Ada said.
"Shut up..." I said with my head on the table. Everyone laughed and went around there business with the others.
"Hey you left this in my room the last time you came..." Whispered Cody. I felt a wooden box touch my hand that was free. I remember this, the serum I got from Rosie. I forgot all about it. mental face palm. What makes it worse is Cody is giving me the box this time instead of buck. Gah!! I'm such an idiot!
"Thanks." I whispered back.
I open the door to my room and place the box on my bed. I closed it and made sure it was locked. I reopen the box with the same code and stared at the serum. Who knows what this thing would do. I could hurt me or it could just make me stronger, who knows. I carefully picked the serum up and looked at it closer. It's orange and that's it. Ugh, why does this seem so hard. KNOCK! KNOCK! KNOCK!
"Who is it?" I yelled.
"Who else would it be!" They said. I put the serum in its box again then I ran towards the door and opened it. Cody stood there with his gently blue eyes like always. How could you say no to something like this. "Hey whatcha doing."
"Something..." I said.
"You sure, Sense I want to know what's in the box!" He said loudly.
"Why do you want to know so badly?"
"Because..." Cody said nervously.
"Ok then come in." I waved him in and he sat on my bed. I say right next to and grabbed the box that was sitting on my bed.
"Ok then show me!"
"Stop being hasty were not in a rush to open a simple box..."
"Ugh! It's the only reason I came!"
"Only reason?"
"Well your not always so important you know." I think this is Scarlett's plan... it better not be.
"Your such a brat."
"No I'm not, you are!"
"Whatever you say Mr. I'm not childish." I can see he's already annoyed by my lame jokes already. I put the code in and opened the box to the serum. He seemed confused.
"Wait this is what this is! I thought Buck gave you something else!" Cody said.
"Wait your telling me..."
"Ok maybe I was curious of what Buck got you that's it!" Cody said blushing.
"Are you sure?"
"Fine...! I was a bit jealous..."
"A bit?"
"A lot...! What more do you want to know!" I started to laugh which made him more red. "S-Shut up already..." Cody got up and left the room.
"Hey wait up!!!" I yelled. I got up and ran after him. I was slow while he was fast. He was already through the hallway while I was still half way. He disappeared into the crowd where his room was at. I can tell this is going to be a long day for me.
"Hey Abby whatcha doing!" Sandra said running towards me.
"I'm just looking for cody did he run past here?" I ask.
"Ya he did just ran over there what happen?"
"I'll explain later..." I start to run before she can say a word. I reach the corner and see something I'm not supposed to. Why does this happen to me...

End of chapter 19

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